Sunday, June 8, 2014


发信人: fenghaolw (生如夏花), 信区: JobHunting
标  题: 找工作告一段落了,发点面经回馈本版
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 30 23:37:05 2014, 美东)

背景:EE 非名校PhD 无线通信方向,预计夏天毕业,两次实习经历(12年Broadcom,
,不过好像都被简历拒了- -

02/21 电面阿三,没有写具体code,都是说思路
Why bloomberg?
Mention and describe one of your projects. What is your role on this project?
Polymorphism in C++, how to implement virtual functions (vtable), different
types of polymorphisms (dynamic/static).
Two sum (with or without extra memory)
Kth node to the last (Linked List)
Implement min and max methods for stack (should be O(1) complexity). How to
handle duplicates
Design history tab in browsers (similar to LRU, doubly linked list and hash
03/19 onsite
Round 1: 一白人一黑人…
Resume questions:
Given two sorted array, find the intersection. (First give hash map solution
, which takes extra memory; then give binary search solution, takes O(mlogn)
. Finally got merge sort solution after a lot of hints…)
Details about hash function
Implement a stack using linked list
Memory leak in C/C++
Round 2: 一中东人,一中国大哥放水…
Best time to buy and sell stock II (leetcode)
You have a stream of characters/integers/long integers. Write a method to
check whether the current character/integer has been appeared before.
Common data structures (pros/cons of array/linked list/hash map).
Memory management in C/C++
25 horses Brain Teaser
Round 3: 白人manager
Ticket system (Glassdoor 上有,题目很多各种各样的follow up)
Simple binary search
Memory management. Stack and heap in memory. What else do we have? Code
segment (functional pointers)
03/24拿到第一个offer, 100k base + 10k bonus.

先是coding test,string to integer 和 insert/delete in ternary tree
Abstract class和Interface的区别,不懂java,胡诌了一通- -
Find the first unique char in a string, one-pass solution
03/27 第二次电面,白人
Word break in leetcode
04/10 onsite,四轮全是白人…
04/15拿到offer,90k base + 10k sign-on + 1350 options

04/04 电面,白人
大量behavior questions
Coding题就一个,给一个日志文件,每一行是 timestamp, uid of worker, uid of
resources, start or end.
让你判断对于任意一个resource uid,有没有两个worker同时access这个resource
04/16 onsite
四轮,每个人都会问近20分钟的简历和behavior questions
Round 1: Big integer add, follow up: add more than two integers in any base
(not only decimal)
Round 2: A lot of questions about networking stack, TCP/UDP/HTTP. Write
method to simulate network requests.
Round 3: Given a list of list of char. Input is a char, output is all chars
which are in the same list of input.
Example: List: ((a, b, c), (b, d, e), (e, f), (g, h))
Input: b, output: a, c, d, e
Input: f, output: e
Preprocessing could be slow, but find method should be constant complexity
Round 4: OS related: processes and threads. Socket IPC and design problem
about chat server. (Multiple sockets sending large files might cause delay/
jitter. How to handle this)
Implement Game of life.'s_Game_of_Life
04/22拿到offer,125k base + RSU (Fixed market value of 100k in 4 years) +
10k sign-on.

Snapchat: 网申2天后约电面,电面1天后约onsite,效率非常快啊- -
03/13 电面,2sum, 3sum, 4sum…
04/11 onsite,题目都不难,但是发挥很差,面完就知道没戏了…暴富的机会就这么没
Round 1: Find all amicable numbers; Big integer multiplication.
Round 2: Game of life (same as yelp). Follow up: from 2-dimensional to N-
dimensional. What if multiple users are accessing the same game board, and
they have different viewports.
Round 3: Discussions about design servers for snapchat. Requirement:
guarantee that the messages are reliably delivered; also need to guarantee
deletion after reliable delivery.
Design an elevator.
Round 4: Flatten BST to in-order doubly linked list.

03/27 电面
Warmup: Read input in format: city, state, population (tab delimited file.
population is of form: integer number always followed by a 'k'). Note that
city name can contain spaces. Output the total population in each state in
descending order
Given an array of integers which is initially increasing and then decreasing
, find the maximum value in the array.
Given a stream of integers, find top K (heap)
Given an array of integers, find top K. top K elements do not need to be
sorted. (quick select the Nth, then scan the array again, linear complexity)
04/18 onsite: 他家第二轮感觉是个ABC,其他都是白人…
Round 1: 写一个 Tree iterator
Round 2: Longest substring which repeated in a string, example: banana,
return ana
Flatten BST to in-order doubly linked list
Round 3: Given stocks with dates and values. For multiple companies. For
each date, return the current total amount of stock you have. (a variation
of Merge K sorted array)
Round 4: Word search in leetcode
Round 5: Convert map<A, map<B, C> > to map<C, map<B, set<A> > >
Find k missing numbers in an array 1-N

Coding test: spreadsheet, 做完就挂了……


第一次电面是个印度女manager,问了个stack with min和,valid parenthesis.

Amazon (Boston office):
04/16 电面
Find how many times an array has been rotated
Input: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3]
Output: 3
Find longest substring which has been appeared more than once (the same with
Palantir round 2...)
Single number (leetcode)

04/25 onsite
老印比较多,海量的行为问题,所谓的amazon leading principle。我因为实习过还好
Round 1: OOD, design a furniture class, type: table/chair, material: steer/
wood, methods: addWeight/putFire 测试家具强度,返回true or false 判断家具是
Round 2: Basic data structure problems. Stack with min, find common parts of
two files (not sorted, files could be very large)
Round 3: Merge two sorted array (and eliminate duplicates), letter
combination, basic design pattern questions.
Round 4: Given an array of intervals. Input: an integer, output: true if
there exists at least one interval containing this integer.
Round 5: Given a board with 0 and 1, find number of all components (
connected 1s).
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
Output: 3.
Serialization/Deserialization of a Binary Tree.

Two Sigma:
04/24 电面,全是基础问题……

Rocket Fuel:
总体来讲电面和onsite算法题都不难,不过有一轮设计题和两轮code review(基本是
concurrency和design pattern的东西)
最后package是125k base + 4000 RSU + 20k sign-on + 10% bonus. 去他家主要觉得


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