Friday, August 29, 2014

(原创)TOP 5 Reasons NOT to Buy XC90 First Edition

发信人: xxniu (叉叉牛), 信区: Automobile
标  题: (原创)TOP 5 Reasons NOT to Buy XC90 First Edition
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 28 11:19:17 2014, 美东)


TOP 5 Reasons NOT to Buy the New XC90 First Edition

1.    Price: If you are not the kind of buyer to purchase loaded vehicles,
you might find the price is a little bit difficult to digest. After all, not
everyone thinks 19-speaker B&W audio system or 21-inch tires are must-haves
. I believe that a lot of Volvo fans will have difficulties to persuade
themselves or their spouse to spend over $70K on a Volvo. Am I wrong?

2.    New Model: Like all the new car models, XC90 First Edition will have
some bugs to be fixed down the road. It is reasonable to assume that the
buyers will visit their dealers more often than they want to. Think about
this – new platform SPA, new T6 engine with AWD, new infotainment system,
new everything even new seats! Don’t buy if you don’t want to deal with
the additional leg-work and hassles.

3.    Engine: 4-cylinders and 2.0L? I know it is a turbo-supercharge-
powerful one, but it is still one with only 4 cylinders and 2.0L. If you
have driven both the 3.0L 6-cylinder T6 S60 and the 2.0L 4-cylinder T5 S60,
I am sure you can tell the difference. If not, test drive the 2015 XC60,
which has both 3.0L and 2.0L engine options.

4.    T8 with Plug-in: If you are an environmentalist like me, you might be
more interested in the T8 version, which has the plug-in option. The extra
benefit of waiting for the T8 version is that you can get the beautiful
diamond-cut shift knob! Nice!

5.    Lack of Customizations: The Onyx Black Metallic exterior color looks
nice to me, but it could be a turn off for some buyers. Ok. You might be
able to live with the black exterior - but how about allowing you to pick
the interior color to your taste? Sorry, you cannot either. Let’s put it
simply - No customizations. Period.

请看TOP 5 Reasons to Buy the New XC90 First Edition

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