发信人: Lexian (蒙古大夫), 信区: Stock
标 题: update 一下几个煤矿股
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 31 23:20:13 2013, 美东)
周线上看还不是很坚实的底, 买它几个原因包括长跌而跌势减弱,有反转迹象,
Insider buying, ER beats, 但记住反转也有可能失败, 特别是大盘不稳的时候。
日图上现在很明显已经跌出上升轨道。 5/29日是向下突破日。 5/30有些反抽但在轨道
下缘受阻 - broken support turn into resistant. 现在进入无量下滑阶段, 短期目
标是前低和BB下缘处,lower 16的位置。 能否在那里有支撑对WLT极为关键。 16如果
不能站住, 可能会去到08年的大底即11附近。 chance i would say half half that
it'll stop there. This technical chart is very bearish.
So the best plan right now is to stay aside. at least do not add to the
position and sell covered calls for protection. I sold 17.5 calls for $1.5
against my WLT holding. on 29th, the breakdown day. so the lost is trimmed
down a lot today. depend on how it behave Monday. I may close the position.
or sell the stock and leave naked shorted calls, effectively shorting the
is the best looking of these bunch. low volume sell off and stay on support.
i still hold.
one more trip down to the previous low. I still holds the shorted put (
amazingly, the put came up today but not by much, which leave me believe the
anticipation for ANR to make new low is not there).
抄底煤看来还是太早了。 偶尔一两个也许会突破, 整个sector还在做底当中。
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 166.]
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