Wednesday, August 7, 2013


发信人: uiuc (又爱又喜), 信区: Seattle
标  题: 微软老印强奸清洁女工被逮捕后反诉受害者
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug  6 17:07:01 2013, 美东)


By Alison Grande and Casey McNerthney/KIRO 7 STAFF

SEATTLE, Wash. — A former Microsoft senior programming manager has been
charged with raping a woman who worked as a custodian in his Redmond office.

Prosecutors say Vineet Kumar Srivastava, 36, was on the third floor of
Building 27 when he motioned for the custodian to follow him to his office.
She did, thinking he needed something cleaned or the trash taken out.

As soon as she entered his office, Srivastava pulled her blouse down and
made a sexual comment; then he picked up his cellphone and started showing
pornographic images, according to court documents.

"He asked her if she liked it and (the victim) cried, 'No' covering her face
," King County Sheriff's Detective Laura Murphy wrote in a probable cause
document. "(She) tried to leave, but Srivastava slammed the door shut and
prevented her from leaving. He proceeded to (grab) her around both arms and
fondled her buttocks."

Srivastava then demanded oral sex, saying his wife was in India, prosecutors
The woman "continued to struggle to get out of Srivastava's hold and
continuously told him, "No, let me go,” Murphy wrote.”Srivastava
overpowered (her) and prevented her from escaping his hold."

Investigators said the woman, 32, was slammed to the floor and raped for
several minutes.

The following day, July 26, Srivastava was arrested at the Microsoft campus.

"Srivastava claimed (the woman) forced him to have sexual intercourse with
her and he was afraid of (her)," Murphy wrote. "He said she forced him into
his office and lifted her blouse and bra, exposing her breasts and telling
him she wanted to have 'sex' with him. He said he was afraid of her."

Srivastava said he had no bruising or injuries from the incident, court
documents show.
He was booked into King County Jail that day, but posted $75,000 bond on
July 27. Despite his lack of criminal history, prosecutors argued that
Srivastava was a flight risk and “a danger to the community.”

Srivastava is expected to have an arraignment later this month.


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