Sunday, August 25, 2013


发信人: peger (peger), 信区: Seattle
标  题: 裁员的谣言
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 24 16:34:55 2013, 美东)

这个是mini-microsoft上看来的。此外现在head count freeze是事实。另外我是知道

Months back I had lunch with a high-level executive who told me 3 things
would happen soon.
1) Huge reorg. Check.
2) Ballmer retirement. Check.
3) Layoffs.

The reasoning is that the company is bloated, and Ballmer will do a Fall
cleaning before handling the key to the next CEO. May be just coincidence
but this morning I got a ping from a friend asking about open positions in
my team, since his entire team is being shut down, and they have a couple of
months to find positions inside the company. That is the offer for the ones
getting good reviews. The ones with bad reviews are being given time to
seek outside, since they won't be allowed to move internally. More like this
to come, possibly to a team near you!

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国:·[FROM: 174.]

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