发信人: malaichua (Madelai), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Mark Jackson 被炒掉的原因
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 17 16:26:33 2015, 美东)
如果是真的, Jackson真的不炒不行
From www.grantland.com
"Kerr overhauled a team culture that had grown poisonous, for well-
documented reasons, under Jackson and his assistants. In his zeal to
motivate players, Jackson fostered resentment among them and toward the
front office. He fired two assistants, requested Jerry West stay away from
practices, and asked a younger front-office official to stop rebounding for
players, sources have said.
When Ezeli was injured last season, Jackson and his staff told the healthy
players that Ezeli was cheering against them — so that he would look good,
according to several team sources. Players confronted Ezeli in a meeting,
and he wept at the accusation — which he denied."
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