发信人: MrPresident (总统先生), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 最近临时被一个学生放鸽子了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 18 13:41:50 2015, 美东)
Dear Prof. X:
I am writing to communicate my recent recruiting incident with one of your
students -- Mr. XX.
Mr. XX applied to our PhD program for Fall 2015. With the endorsements from
you, Prof. A, and Prof. S, I was convinced Mr. XX would be a talented and
trustworthy person to work with. So, I made an offer in April for him to
join my research group in Fall 2015. He accepted our offer with his
signature as attached. The offer comes with full financial support and this
financial commitment precludes me from recruiting other applicants once he
accepted our offer. And I expected the same commitment from him to join us
in the fall.
Last week, I started preparing the lab space, computers, and other resources
for his arrival in the fall. So I reached out to him to find out what his
plan was so that I can prepare accordingly. I didn't receive a response.
After my second email to him and not receiving any response, it became clear
to me that he would not join us. I was shocked by his dishonesty, lack of
commitment, and lack of professional courtesy. It is my belief that your
institute does not encourage this kind of behavior. This incident will have
profound impact on my colleague's and my consideration for future applicants
from your institute. Therefore, I am writing to communicate the details of
this incident to you and hope you can take necessary actions/measures to
prevent this from happening again.
Prof. Z
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