发信人: wjl (niuniuchong), 信区: EB23
标 题: 明天白宫宣布全C?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 3 19:34:27 2015, 美东)
From immigration voice.org:
Please understand that there is a need to hold off until tomorrow for the
Administration to make the official announcement. It will be wrong for us or
for that matter anyone to get ahead of the Administration and violate the
As you are aware that we have been strongest advocate of recapture and
dependents exemptions. But you may also be aware and we have all along
shared this in the past that it is very difficult to do recapture and
dependents exemptions as Admin fix.
Whatever is announced tomorrow, rest assured that Administration did
everything possible within the legal authority of the President. We all have
a lot to be thankful for to the President, the WH staff and the Obama
Please manage your expectations to look at the announcement with an open
mind and please try to see beyond the obvious.
It's going to be a good day tomorrow.
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