发信人: ilmpnl (pure), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 咨询了phd老板,他的回信真是让人沮丧啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 21 18:51:24 2015, 美东)
他建议entry level的faculty完全不要negotiate offer。。。以后可以再申请涨工资
1. If I want to negotiate on the offer, I should NOT sign the contract.
Instead, I should call or email them to negotiate. Did I understand it right
Right. But, I strongly advise you not to negotiate on the terms. It is a
convention that entry-level faculty should not negotiate the terms. These
days, it is SOOO difficult to get a tenure-track faculty job. You are SOOO
lucky. Do not risk losing your job by trying to negotiate. Most
department chairs/deans would cancel the offer and send the offer to another
person they have interviewed if the entry-level faculty candidate tries to
2. Do I need to ask for more days to negotiate?
Again, not a good idea to negotiate on the entry-level faculty position.
You will have plenty of chance to raise your pay as you go by showing high
productivity later. Also, such a raise would be much bigger money than you
could have at the entry.
3. They have circulated my husband's CV in the university for spousal hires,
but they have not heard anything on it yet. Do you have any suggestions on
this? For instance, is it okay to wait or push on this issue?
You can just politely inquire about the status of the spousal hire at the
same time or only after you return your signed contract to them.
4. Do you happen to know the average start-up in our field at tier 2
research university?
No, I don't know.
5. In general, do you have any other suggestions on offer negotiation?
It is not a smart idea to negotiate at the entry-level. You better
negotiate your raise/salary later when you have a big grant or show a very
high productivity. That would give you much more income.
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