发信人: duduhaha (starwithme), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 写了封信给google抱怨电面被印度人黑的经历
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 24 00:50:53 2015, 美东)
题目 class flatten {
public flatten(vector<vector<int>> a);
boolean hasNext();
iterator next();
我不到20分钟写完了,25分钟跑完test cases还问面试官有bug没,他说没有。。过了
几天收到拒信。大家觉得这个是啥难度的题目? 20分钟写完不够快?
I would say the the recruiters and the first interviewer were pretty good.
But I don't understand why I get rejection from the second interviewer. This
was actually the most wired interview I've had so far...
Let me explain my 2nd interview experience for a little bit. He gave me the
problem to solve once the interview starts. I clarified the problem with him
, and told him what my solution will be look like. He said the solution was
good, then asked me to start coding. As I wrote the code, I also kept
talking with him to make sure that he understood my code. I solved this
problem in less than 20 minutes. Then he asked to write some test cases. I
wrote some test cases and went through each one for him. Then I asked him if
he found some bugs from my test cases. He said no bugs. Until here we just
used less than 20 minutes. Then he let me ask questions. I asked some
technical and culture related questions about Google. He answered them and
end the interview in 35 minutes.
I shared this experience with my friends. We all think this one goes really
well(I solved a hard problem in 20 minutes without bugs; I saved the code&
test cases I wrote and can share with you if you like) and I should get the
onsite interview. I don't understand why I get rejection. So I have some
questions about this interview:
1. What parts I did not do well in my interview?
2. Why the technical part of the interview ends in 25 minutes? I did very
well and solved a hard problem in 25 minutes without bugs. If the
interviewer have concern about my skills and abilities, why did not he ask
me more questions?
My interview experience with Google two years ago was great. I learnt a lot
and met some great guys during my interview. I really enjoyed it although I
did not get the offer. However, for this interview, I have the feeling that
interviewer can fail you even before you start the interview. It looks that
the interviewer will always fail you, no matter how well you did in the
Google is a great company and a dream workplace for software engineers. But
this interview experience is really wired. I would really appreciate if I
can get some feedback from you.
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 99.]
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