发信人: svca (硅谷华人协会), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: SVCA对Bob Beckel种族歧视性言论的回应
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 13 12:33:54 2014, 美东)
July 12th, 2014
San Jose, California
Silicon Valley Chinese Association issues the following statement to
denounce certain racist slur made by Fox News TV host Bob Beckel, and demand
both Mr. Beckel’s immediate resignation and a formal apology by Fox News
to Chinese Americans.
On July 10th, 2014, during his “The Five” TV show, Mr. Beckel used the
word “Chinamen” to refer to Chinese people at large, including Chinese
Americans. The pejorative word “Chinamen” has been long and widely
considered to connote a derogatory and offensive meaning to Chinese people.
Yet, this is the second time in recent memory that Mr. Beckel has been
caught to use such insulting language toward Chinese Americans. Last year,
Mr. Beckel said that after he went swimming, his “eyes blew up, and it made
me look Oriental.”
As America continues to embrace diversity and welcome people from all
cultural backgrounds, we are outraged by such racist offenses repeatedly
made by Mr. Beckel, especially on a major TV network. Mr. Beckel must
immediately resign from the “The Five” show, and Fox News must issue a
formal apology to the Chinese American community.
Alex Chen
President, SVCA
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