发信人: alsoRun (alsoRun), 信区: PDA
标 题: just returned from China, T-mobile 国际数据漫游 worked gre
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 19 10:28:21 2014, 美东)
The moment I stepped off plane at Pudong International, I received a message
"welcome to China". I got connected to a Chinese network (mostly China
Unicom). I can make calls in China for 20 cents/minute and the sound quality
is excellent.
I also got free unlimited data. It can be 2G or 4G depending on your
location. For 2G, you can check email and browse news slowly. I happened to
have 4G at my mother's apartment so I can even listen to podcast. All this
is for $50/month.
The T-Mobile's sale person told me that a higher-end phone works better in
China as it can receive a wide range of frequencies. I picked Lumia 925 and
was great.
I will let my son to bring the phone for his China and Japan trip next week.
※ 修改:·alsoRun 於 Jul 19 10:59:55 2014 修改本文·[FROM: 96.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 96.]
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