发信人: us1010 (us1010), 信区: Immigration
标 题: EB-1A, NSC, pp, approved. 写点经验供大家参考
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 28 03:02:18 2014, 美东)
EB-1A, NSC, pp, approved. 写点经验供大家参考。也纪念一下自己的辛劳!!
中有2篇Nature子刊。论文大部分发表在Top 0.1-Top 1%的期刊上(based on total
引用:大概2000次左右。合作的论文中有几篇hot topic的文章,单篇引用好几个都在
审稿:10几个杂志,110篇左右。杂志IF从很低到15不等,有不少杂志排名在Top 0.3%,
0.5%, 2%.本来大概审了130篇吧,但有一个杂志的部分审稿evidence找不到了(为其
2014-07-29: I-140材料实际寄出,没有e-file。利用USPS Priority mail。利用一个
08-06, Check being cashed;
08-11, Get I140 receipt:
09-16, pp request sent out, by USPS Priority mail.
09/18:pp received date:
09/24:140 approval date:
推荐信:8封。 按照顺序如下:
。我当时的草稿中写的是numerous publications,她老人家把numerous改成了1800。
觉得你比他差太远了,你不符合EB-1A。I confirm that Dr. x is a leading
researcher doing exceptional research in the x field”, “The use of Dr. x
paper was due to his significant contribution to the filed”, “I would rank
him among the very top and highest percentile of scientists in the field of
x. If he is allowed to remain in the U.S., his exceptional intellectual
talents and broad professional expertise will allow him to continue to serve
our national interests”。 在这里感谢一位好朋友牵线促成这封推荐信。
篇文章。It is Dr. x paper that fundamentally changed our vision of the field
…”, “We have published multiple papers in this new research direction and
we cited Dr. x’s original papers in our publications”.
第三封:美国,national lab的group leader,开会时认识的朋友,一个领域的,但好
像没cite过我的文章。Dr. x is extremely productive and very insightful with
numerous original and significant contributions and important papers”, “It
’s definitely our nation’s interest to have him work in the U.S. and to
further serve our country.”
第四封:英国,Cambridge Univ.,引用过我的文章,见过面,但估计互相没印象。推荐
信不是极强。He has distinguished himself from the above works as one of
leading scientists in his area of expertise.
第五封:美国,Top 20名学校的助理教授,好朋友。这位推荐人的phd老板是炸弹奖得
,肯定是重大问题。“This is a conceptually different approach, and it turns
out that the results are immediately important to the applications of x in
能说好了。结果这哥们写成了“This was the first report of x, which changed
the common opinion, belief and direction of this research.” 这个风格很平实
第七封:美国,政府机构,postdoc co-advisor,Dr. x has creatively invented a
x method to solve the above problem”, “His past and future contributions
are important for the U.S. to maintain its position as a world leader in
nanotechnology, nano-science, and related industries.我没有找自己的博士老板
第八封:新加坡,副教授,系主任,好朋友。此人大量引用过我的文章。Inspired by
Dr. x’s work, my group has continued exploring this direction and the
outcome was very fruitful”, “He is one of the best researchers in the
field of x among researchers around the world”。最后一句话本来还有一个后缀
的,”…at his age group”。后来和这位仁兄说了说,就把at his age group这几个
话。。。其实剑桥那份推荐信也有类似的话“at his career stage…”,但那个我也
授、系主任)写了三页的推荐信,都是套话了。Dr. x was chosen as an Expert
Reviewer because of his extensive experience and outstanding achievements in
both scientific research and technical innovations in the areas of x and x
chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology.
---实实在在的硬数据,多打印几份,多放几遍(比如total citation---如果很高的话
),以免一处未被看到。我把我的total citation和total number of papers至少放了
--total time。这个是比较重要的,大家可以参考。2013年12月期间花了2周,知道了
1- Cover Lett
2- Head lett(我的每个exhibit的第一页放了一个head lett,highlight了这个
3- Exhibition List的内容,我觉得这个才是重点。大家要好好写。我准备了2份,
4- PL由于一些问题,就不share了,请大家见谅!
Checklist of Documents
For Dr. x’s I-140 petition under 203(b)(1)A
Including the following seven (7) parts
1) Checklist page (The current page)
2) A Check for filling fee ($580)
3) Form I-140 (6 pages)
4) Cover Letter (1 page)
5) Petition Letters (21 pages)
6) List of Exhibits (5 pages)
7) Supporting Materials (365 pages, Exhibits A, B, C, D)
The documents are divided into three (3) volumes:
Volume 1: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Exhibit A)
Volume 2: Part 7 (Exhibits B, C, D)
Volume 3: Another copy of Cover Letter and List of Exhibits
Exhibit A
Evidences of Original Contribution of Major Significance
Key information in Exhibit A
Dedicated Research Highlights to my papers
Recommendation Letters and Testimony Letters
My papers were heavily discussed and widely used by Leading
Scientists (including Nobel Laureate), Leading Universities, Leading
journals, Review articles and Books.
Many of my papers are the Hottest articles and Most cited papers.
Exhibit B
Evidences of Authorship of Scholarly Articles
Key information in Exhibit B
I have published 39 high quality papers and my papers have been
extensively cited for >2000 times by scientists from >35 countries.
Many of my papers were published in Top 0.1% - Top 2% journals.
Exhibit C
Evidences of Judging Other Scientists’ Work as Reviewer and Adjudicative
Reviewer for International Journals
Key information in Exhibit C
I have reviewed >100 manuscripts for 12 international journals.
Many of these journals rank in Top 0.3% - Top 3%.
I am frequently invited as reviewer and Adjudicative reviewer
because I am an expert in the field, as evidenced by the Editors’ letters.
Exhibit D
My Background Information and Lawful Documents
以下是Cover Letter
July 26, 2014
Department of Homeland Security
USCIS Nebraska Service Center
Attn: I-140
P.O. Box 660128
Dallas, TX 75266
Original Submission: I-140 Immigration Petition for Alien Worker of
Extraordinary Ability
Petitioner/Beneficiary: x, Ph.D.
Category of Petition: Alien of Extraordinary Ability
Classification Sought: 203(b)(1)(A)
Type of petition: I-140
Dear Immigration Officer,
This letter is respectfully submitted in support of my petition for
classification as a qualified immigrant under the first preference as an
Alien of Extraordinary Ability. Specifically, the evidence submitted will
Part I. I am an alien of extraordinary ability in the field of x, on the
basis of the following facts:
Original Contributions of Major Significance
My work has been highlighted as “Major breakthrough”, “The
field will be revolutionized…”, “x”,by leading scientists in dedicated
Research Highlights. My research has significantly inspired other scientists
’ research and has been widely cited and adopted by others.
Scientific Publications
My original research has resulted in thirty-nine (39) high
quality publications on peer-reviewed prestigious journals (Top 0.1%). These
papers have been extensively cited for more than two thousand (>2000) times
by scientists worldwide.
Judge of Others’ Work
I have been frequently invited to serve as Reviewer and
Adjudicative Reviewer due to my outstanding achievements. The invitations
were from 12 journals and>100 manuscripts. Many of these journals rank Top 0
.5%- Top 2.3 %.
Part II. I will continue to work in my area of extraordinary ability in the
Part III. My future stay will substantially benefit the U.S.
Note: This is another copy of Cover Letter and List of Exhibits, for your
convenience. (这是独立的那份Cover letter和EL,一共6页)
Dr. x ,EB-1A, I-140 Petition
Exhibit A: Evidences of Original Contribution of Major Significance
Exhibit 1, Pages 1-3: A Dedicated Research Highlight to my x paper.
“Major breakthrough”,...
Exhibit 2, Pages 4-6: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x,
Institute Professor Emerita at x, member of NAS, former President of APS,
Treasurer of the U.S. NAS, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. DOE, Director of
the Office
of Sciences of the U.S. DOE.
Highlight: “I confirm that Dr. x is a leading researcher doing exceptional
inthe x field”,“The use of Dr. x’s paper was due to his significant
contribution to the filed”, “I would rank him among the very top and
highest percentile
of scientists in the field of x. If he is allowed to remain in the U.S., his
exceptional intellectual talents and broad professional expertise will allow
him to
continue to serve our national interests”
Exhibit 3, Pages 7-9: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x, Full
Professor, Head of Quantum Chemistry Group at x University, Japan
Highlight:“It is Dr. X’s x paper that fundamentally changed our vision of
the field…”, “We have published multiple papers in this new research
direction and we cited Dr. X’s original papers in our publications”.
Exhibit 4, Pages 10-11: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x, Group
leader, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE
), U.S.
Highlight:“Dr. X is extremely productive and very insightful with
numerous original and significant contributions and important papers”,“It
’s definitely our nation’s interest to have him work in the U.S. and to
further serve our country.”
Exhibit 5, Pages 12-13: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x, PI,
Reader in Nanotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK.
Highlight: “He has distinguished himself from the above works as
one of leading scientists in his area of expertise.”
Exhibit 6, Pages 14-15: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x,
Professor, x University, U.S.
Highlight: “This is a conceptually different approach, and it turns out
that the results are immediately important to the applications of x in
Exhibit 7, Page 16: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x,
Editor-in-Chief of journalMaterials Express, x University, Japan
Highlight: “This was the first report of efficient growth of x from x,
which changed the common opinion, belief and direction of this research.”
Exhibit 8, Pages 17-19: Recommendation Letter from Dr. x, Senior Research
Staff, x U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S., (Postdoc co-advisor)
Highlight: “Dr. X has creatively invented a x method to solve the above
problem”, “His past and future contributions are important for the U.S. to
maintain its position asa world leader in nanotechnology, nano-science, and
related industries.”
Exhibit 9, Pages 20-22: Independent Recommendation Letter from Dr. x,
Professor, Head of Division, x University, Singapore
Highlight: “Inspired by Dr. X’s work, my group has continued exploring
this direction and the outcome was very fruitful”, “He is one of the best
researchers in the field of x among researchers around the world”
Exhibit 10, Pages 23-24: Testimony Letter from Editor-in-Chief of journal x,
Dr. x, Full Professor and Director, x University, U.S.
Highlight: “Dr. X was chosen as an Expert Reviewer because of his extensive
experience and outstandingachievements in both scientific research and
technical innovations in the areas of x and x chemistry, materials science
and nanotechnology.”
Exhibit 11, Page 25: Testimony Letter from journal Chemical Communications,
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK
Exhibit 12, Pages 26-27: Evidence of independent citations (>2000 times)to
my papers based
on ISI Web of Knowledge,and thescientistswho have been citing my papers are
distributedin>35 countriesworldwide.
Exhibit 13, Pages 28-30: Evidence of a dedicated Research Highlight to my x
paper published in x. by Prof. x in Germany.
Exhibit 14, Pages 31-32: Introduction to Prof. x who wrote this Research
Exhibit 15, Page 33: Introduction to SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR
journal ranking).
Exhibit 16, Pages 34-37: Introduction to x and x .and SJR journal ranking of
these two journals(No 1 and No 2 among 563 journals in Chemistry)
Exhibit 17, Pages 38-40: Evidence of a dedicated Research Highlight to my x
paper published in Materials Today.
Exhibit 18, Pages 41-45: The introduction to x andMaterials Today and SJR
journal ranking of these two journals(No 2 and No 31 among 706 journals in
Exhibit 19, Pages 46-57: Evidences of Research news and Highlights to my
other papers (published in Nature, InterNano-Expert Reviews, Nature Asia
Materials, The America Ceramic Society, etc)
Exhibit 20, Pages 58-70: My papers have been cited by TOP institutions(
Harvard Univ., MIT, Stanford Univ., Oxford Univ., Cambridge Univ., Max
Planck Institute, etc)
Exhibit 21, Pages 71-77: My papers have been cited by TOP journals:Science
and Nature.
Exhibit 22, Pages 78-88: My papers have been cited by TOP scientists,
including Nobel Laureate, member of National Academic of Sciences (NAS).
Exhibit 23, Pages 89-125: My papers have been cited frequently by Review
Articles and Books.
Exhibit 24, Pages 126-179: Evidences of my papers have been heavily
discussed and widely used by other scientists in their original research
Exhibit 25, Pages 180: Evidences of Top Percentage: My x 2009 paper ranks No
1 among Top 25 Hottest Articles during January- March 2009.
Exhibit 26, Pages 181-185: Evidences of Top Percentage: Multiple of my
papers are among Top 0.5% to Top 1.9% most cited.
Exhibit B: Evidences of Authorship of Scholarly Articles
Exhibit 27, Pages187-190: A list of my thirty-nine (39) publications on peer
-reviewed prestigious journals.
Exhibit 28, Pages191-229: First pages of my 39 journal papers.
Exhibit 29, Pages 230-246: The introduction and significance of the journals
that published my papers.
Exhibit 30, Page247: Introduction to SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR
journal ranking)
Exhibit 31, Pages 248-251: SJR journal ranking information, evidencing that
my 39papers were published in Leading & TOP journals (many papers published
in Top 0.1%-2% journals).
Exhibit 32, Pages 252-263: Evidences of the reviewers’ positive
recommendations to my papers.
Exhibit 33, Page264: The total independent citations (>2000 times) of my 39
papers according to ISI Web of Knowledge
Exhibit 34, Page265: Evidence of the scientists who have been citing my
papers are distributed in North America, Asia, Europe, South America, and
Exhibit C: Evidences of judging other scientists’ work as Reviewer and
Adjudicative Reviewer for International Journals
Exhibit 35, Page267: A summary of papers and journals I have reviewed (12
journals, >100 manuscripts)
Exhibit 36, Pages268-269: Evidence of my reviewer work for journal Chemical
Communications (SJR Journal ranking Top 0.5%).
Exhibit 37, Page270:Evidence of my reviewer work for Nanotechnology(Top 1.6%
Exhibit 38, Page 271: Evidence of my reviewer work forApplied Physics
Letters (Top 0.5%).
Exhibit 39, Pages272-276: Evidence of my reviewer work for Carbon (Top 2.3%).
Exhibit 40, Pages277: Evidence of my reviewer work for Energy and
Environmental Science (Top 0.5%).
Exhibit 41, Pages278-279: Evidence of my reviewer work for Journal of
Materials Chemistry (Top 1.6%).
Exhibit 42, Pages 280-281: Evidence of my reviewer work for Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Exhibit 43, Pages282-285: Evidence of my reviewer work for RSC Advances.
Exhibit 44, Page 286: Evidence of my reviewer work for Journal of Chemical
Exhibit 45, Pages287-292: Evidence of my reviewer work for IEEE Transactions
on Nanosciecne and Nanotechnology.
Exhibit 46, Pages 293-294: Evidence of my reviewer work for Nanoscale
Research Letters.
Exhibit 47, Page295: Evidence of my reviewer work for Journal of Applied
Physics (Top 1.4%)
Exhibit 48, Pages296-303: SJR journal ranking information of the journals I
have reviewed (Many papers were from Top 0.5%- Top 3% journals).
Exhibit 49, Pages304-315: Some examples of Editors’ Thank You Letters.
Exhibit 50, Pages:316-325:Some examples of Editors’ Invitation Letters to
show that I was invited to review manuscripts because I am an expert in the
Exhibit 51, Pages326-332: Examples of Editors’ Invitation Letters to invite
me to serve as Adjudicative Reviewer for the second-round judgment, as they
have received conflicting recommendations during the initial reviewing
Exhibit 52, Pages333-334: Example of Editor-in-Chief’s Testimony Letter to
show that only Top Scientists can be invited to review manuscripts in
journal x and I was invited due to my extensive experience and outstanding
Exhibit D:My Background Information and Lawful Documents
Exhibit53, Pages 336-338: Photocopy of my Offer Letter from University of x
Exhibit54, Page339: Photocopy of my Employment Verification Letter from x
Exhibit 55, Pages340-343: University ranking information of x (xrd among all
U.S Universities and xth around the world)
Exhibit 56, Pages344-349: Photocopy of my paychecks of last three months
from x
Exhibit 57, Pages 350-352: My Curriculum Vitae
Exhibit 58, Page353: Photocopy of my Ph.D diploma
Exhibit59, Pages354-357: Photocopy of my passport, current visa, and I-94
Exhibit60, Pages358-363: Photocopies of all DS-2019 forms
Exhibit61, Pages364-365: Photocopy of my social security card
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