发信人: SinoGator (Grossman's Brother), 信区: NCAA
标 题: Now I know why Meyer took the OSU job
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 6 15:51:23 2013, 美东)
Nick Saban
He knew that he couldn't beat him head-to-head anymore after 2009 when Saban
got the players he needs to run his system. College football is all about
recruiting and there is no bigger recruiting pitch than the chance to play
in NFL. In this regard, Saban's scheme on both sides of ball beat Meyer's
and that explains why Meyer lost the recruiting battle of Julio Jones, Trent
Richardson, and etc. to him. I think Meyer started seeing this picture
especially his attempt to switch from his Spread Options attack to a more
NFL-friendly up-tempo offense failed in 2009 even with Tebow on his roster.
So the bottom line is, if Meyer stays in SEC, Saban is going to kick his ass
hands down with a much talented team EVERY YEAR. So what could Meyer do to
save his own career from falling apart? Don't play your enemy's game. That's
why he chose to coach at Big Ten and OSU, where his chance of encountering
Saban is much much lower. Meyer's scheme is still pretty effective facing
most schools in NCAA and he is still an excellent recruiter. What happened
in the most recent Iron Bowl is exactly what he has been waiting for after
he quit his last coaching job:
1. Saban gets caught by bad luck (he already got it once last year with
Johnny Football but somehow got bailed out)
2. A chance to win multiple BCS National Championships at different programs
-- a triumph achieved by only Saban
Meyer is indeed a smart ass.
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