发信人: zoh (zoh), 信区: Automobile
标 题: COSTCO的油是达到TOP TIER™ 标准的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 27 17:33:17 2014, 美东)
Q: How does Costco assure their gasoline is high quality?
A: There are two aspects of fuel quality that depend on the gasoline brand
and the individual retailer: deposit control additives and station
Deposit control additives
Since 1995, Federal regulations mandate that all gasoline contain an EPA-
approved deposit control additive. These additives are designed to minimize
engine deposits that can affect vehicle performance and emissions. The
various proprietary deposit control additive formulations are the main
difference between brands of gasoline. All Costco gasoline, both regular and
premium unleaded, contains deposit control additives. As of March 2014, all
Costco gasoline meets and exceeds TOP TIER™ requirements (www.
toptiergas.com/retailers.html). With five times the EPA required amount of
additives in our gas, we are proud to call it Kirkland Signature™
Station Maintenance
Good station operation and maintenance means the fuel is filtered and that
contaminants, such as sediment and water, do not find their way into our
members' vehicles. Costco gas stations are well-maintained by our capable
attendants so you may be confident that the gasoline going into your car is
Costco uses fuel filters to catch particles or debris larger than 10 microns
in diameter. For comparison, the average human hair is seventy microns
Our attendants check the nozzle flow rate frequently to assure that our
filters are fresh. When the flow rate falls below 8 gallons per minute, we
change the filter.
Costco uses ethanol-compatible filters designed to catch sediment, water, or
phase-separated ethanol and water mixtures.
Costco's electronic sensors continuously monitor our underground storage
tanks for water.
We physically inspect and take chemical samples of our tanks at least weekly
to confirm there is no contamination.
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 24.]
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