发信人: mechanical (mechanics), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 【惨痛的修车经历和请教】
关键字: labor cost,cylinder,修车
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 20 00:15:42 2014, 美东)
第一次在美国修车,cylinder head的valve问题,在dealer那里修理,总共花了1856大
2004年的chevy malibu,10万4千迈左右。上星期发现发动机check灯突然亮了,就去检
查,发现#2 cylinder misfire。中间service advisor和我confirm过两次,第一次是
小时!并且期间service advisor一直都没有向我告知可能的labor费用,只把重心纠结
以下摘抄至invoice statement:
"Found burnt exhaust valve on cylinder #2. Confirmed SES light is on and
P0302 is set for CYL #2 misfire detected.
Removed cylinder #2 spark plug and swapped with cylinder #1 spark plug.
Started vehicle and found the misfire stays on cylinder #2. Removed coil and
ignition module assembly and installed known good assembly. Started vehicle
found the misfire is still on cylinder #2. Removed all spark plugs and
installed compression tester. Tested compression in all 4 cylinders and
found: CYL #1-158PSI, CYL #2-90PSI, CYL #3-160PSI, CYL #4-158PSI. Performed
a wet compression test on cylinder #2 and found only a 3PSI increase.
Got okay to remove cylinder head to find the point of failure.
Removed intake manifold and removed valve cover. Re-positioned throttle
cables and unbolted exhaust from the exhaust manifold. Removed sprockets
from camshaft and performed a leak down test on cylinder #2 and found 80%
leakage present. Unbolted cylinder head and removed from engine. Inspected
valves and found one of the exhaust valves on cylinder #2 is burnt causing
the misfire. Sent head to machine shop and had both exhaust valves in the
affected cylinder replaced. Cleaned all sealing surfaces and re-installed
cylinder head. Re-installed all removed parts and drained engine oil.
Replaced oil filter and filled engine with new oil. Filled engine cooling
system and started vehicle. Bled engine cooling system and cleared codes.
Test drove vehicle and found the cylinder #2 is gone and no codes reset at
this time. "
简而言之,就是最初的诊断发现是cylinder #2的问题,得到我的允许拆卸下cylinder
head之后查明是exhaust valve的问题导致的。他们更换了exhaust valve并且将head送
至车间加工(这部分labor另算),最后重新安装了cylinder head。中间还有一些小的
最后的11.8小时的labor实在让我shock到!其中包括:R&I cylinder head, transfer
all necessary components & make all adjustments
service advisor有义务向我告知labor时间吗?他在得到我的允许拆卸下head进行检查
※ 修改:·mechanical 於 Mar 20 00:26:09 2014 修改本文·[FROM: 174.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 174.]
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