发信人: honeybee11 (honeybee11), 信区: Biology
标 题: 转个nature的招聘广告大家看看
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 20 16:31:56 2013, 美东)
转个nature的招聘广告,看看下面这个“NON-Chinese Native”是什么意思,感
Tsinghua University Immunology Faculty
Tsinghua University has made a strong commitment to building an immunology
program of international distinction and is recruiting tenure-track faculty
members in the broad immunology field. New laboratories will be located in
brand-new research buildings that feature state-of-the-art flow cytometers,
imaging facilities (multi-photon, TIRF, and atomic force microscopies),
proteomics core,deep sequencing core, and small animal vivarium that will
contain germ-free mice. Research interests of our current immunology faculty
include: dendritic cell and lymphocyte development, innate sensing and
activation, helper T cell differentiation, lymphocyte signaling, immune
imaging, NK cell biology, tumor immunity, and cytokine biology.
We invite applications from outstanding immunologists who aim to conduct
systematic, innovative research.
Non-Chinese native candidates are particularly encouraged to apply (English
is an official language in scientific discussions).
Candidates should have a demonstrable record of excellence in areas
including but not limited to inflammasome, innate lymphocytes, immune memory
, human and clinical immunology, microbiota and mucosal immunity, and animal
disease models. Successful applicants will be offered very generous start-
up packages plus internationally competitive salaries and housing benefits.
Located in the northwestern suburb of Beijing, Tsinghua University was
established in 1911 on the beautiful site of “Qing Hua Yuan (Tsinghua
Garden)”, a part of the former imperial garden complex including the
legendary Summer Palace. Recognized as one of the best research institutions
in China, Tsinghua is making boldest efforts in developing a world-class
research community in biomedical sciences.
Interested individuals should send CV and a research statement to hr-
tsinghua@cls.edu.cn with “Immunology Faculty Application” in the subject
line. We also request three letters of recommendation be directly sent to
the address above from the referees….
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 143.]
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