发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 联手车版,抵制日货 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 28 11:43:27 2013, 美东)
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 联手车版,抵制日货
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 28 11:41:58 2013, 美东)
1. 可以组织各个地区团购,指名不要日本车,
2. 租车也点名不要日本车。 告诉他们为什么。
3. 甚至组织汽车大游行,贴标语
Following is a version of fliers to
give to car dealership for an explanation
why we are choosing American cars.
Please modify for Korean/German cars.
Version for American cars:
To Japan's new Best Buddy Americans:
As Chinese Americans we retained
traumatic memory of 20 million Chinese
including women and children being
brutally murdered by Japanese military
70 years ago. That was, a sept. 11th
everyday for 8 years, for Americans who
could not visualize the scale of Japanese
crime against humanity.
Now Japanese have elected a
right-wing politician to their highest office.
They are moving towards remilitarization
and honor war criminals even as they
at the same time try to pacify the
outraged Chinese and Koreans
with sweet empty words of peace.
We are buying American to support
American auto industry, and we
are warning Americans that Japanese
government does not respect true
peace and wants to embroil US
into a destructive war against
China and may even secretly hope to
avenge Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by Americans. Since they denied
responsibility for war crimes and Pearl
Harbor was self-defense to them, who
else could they blame for Hiroshima
and Nagasaki except Americans?
Japan's former best Buddy
the Chinese for 800 years
※ 修改:·onetiemyshoe 於 Dec 28 15:32:32 2013 修改本文·[FROM: 67.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 67.]
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