发信人: nbal (dreamingly), 信区: Game
标 题: [PAD] 感恩节活动来了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 22 13:31:46 2013, 美东)
*A Spectacular Thanksgiving Event*
[Duration]: 11/25 (Mon), midnight - 12/4 (Wed), 11:59 PM (PST)
Puzzle & Dragons is ready to kick off a fantastic holiday season with a HUGE
Thanksgiving event. With brand new Dungeons (featuring Takeminakata,
Pierdra, and Kouryu) and sweet daily bonuses, there is a lot to be thankful
for this year!
■① Daily Log-in Bonuses
11/25-11/29 - 2 Magic Stones
11/30-12/4 - 2,000 Pal Points
※Bonuses will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PST) the following day.
■② New Technical Dungeon
Starting 11/25, Paradise of the Holy Beasts will be available (after
completing the Mythic Stone Dragon Cave). There you can obtain the mighty
Incarnation of Kouryu, Fagan. With the power to give 4x ATK to Dragon types
when HP is full, he will give your Dragons a new purpose. More Dungeon
details can be found here:http://tinyurl.com/kokhn2q.
■③ Special Event Dungeon Schedule:
11/25 - 12/8 - Dragon in Motley: by popular demand, the Dark Toy Dragon
Pierdra has been chosen for his own special Dungeon. Be on the look out for
the Wicked Lady - she has a random chance to appear!
11/25 - Zeus-Dios Descended!
11/26 - Heroes Descended
11/27 - Breakers
11/28 - Hera-Ur Descended!
11/29 - Hera Descended
11/30 - Takeminakata Descends!: Enjoy the debut of a challenging Dungeon
starring a powerful new Japanese god.
12/1 - Athena Descended!
12/2 - Zeus Descended!
12/3 - Sword of Flames
12/4 - The Thief Descended!
■④ Awesome Daily Bonuses
2 Pal Egg Events:
11/25-11/29 - King Metal/Jewel Dragons
11/30-12/4 - Rare Evo Materials
2x King appearance rates for the Metal/Gold and Jewel Dragons
[We will also have a special visits from the Pengdra Village and maybe some
Super Jewel King Dragons]
5x +Egg rate in the Technical Dungeons (available after completing Castle of
2x Skill Up rate
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 76.]
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