发信人: jachen (跳跳熊), 信区: Immigration
标 题: 一个整理审稿经历的模板
关键字: 审稿经历,模板
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 31 14:35:18 2013, 美东)
看到本版及姊妹版上有不少人询问怎样去整理审稿经历的材料, 我根据自己的经验及律
师的建议, 在这里给个模板:
本人背景简介: 生物类,交EB-1A I-140时共有7次审稿(6个期刊,the highest IF =
3.2, 不计revision's review)。Review被单独列为一项claim。I-140交后30天被
1. 来自Jounal的3封EM --
(1) invitation letter from editor;
(2) confirmation letter showing that you have accepted this invitation;
(3) confirmation letter showing that you have submitted your review
2. 现在都是网上直接提交review comments。提交后,打印显示你account信息的截屏
。里面应包括如下信息 --
(1) your name (打印后自己用荧光笔higglight一下 -- 建议用亮黄色);
(2) manuscript 的基本信息 (author name, title, submission date, etc);
(3) 你接受peer-review invitation的日期,期刊收到review comments的日期;
(4) editor's decision on this manuscript (这条信息即使暂时blank也无所谓)。
3. 期刊的基本介绍 --
(1) 把期刊在网上的首页打印一份。 scope的信息尽量完整。调整一下打印模式,
(2) 去ISI把这个期刊在该领域的排名打印出来。至于rank嘛,IF和total cites哪
个高就按哪个去排。print out采用landscape模式,调整一下字体大小,把20个期刊
list控制在同一个打印页上。highlight一下field, your journal title and its
4. editor's verification letter
持他们稿件的high quality起了什么样的作用。一般不超过一页纸。
应读者要求,在这里添加一个editor给我写的review verification letter作为模板:
To Whom it May Concern:
As the editor of the international scientific journal, <<journal tile>>, I
am writing to confirm that Dr. xxx was invited by me to be an expert
reviewer for this journal. Dr. xxx is recognized as an expert in the field
of xxx, and thus he was an excellent choice to serve as a reviewer for
manuscripts in this field.
There are more than xx journals published in the field of xxx, and
international rankings of journals have consistently placed <<journal tile>>
among the top 5 journals in this field. This journal is published monthly
and approximately 12-15 papers appear each month. More than 40% of the
papers that are submitted are rejected. The journal depends on experts in
the field to review and critique all papers submitted, and I base my
decision to publish a paper on the reviews of the expert reviewers such as
Dr. xxx.
I re-examined the most recent xxx review submitted by Dr. xxx, and I can
verify that the review submitted by him was very thorough and carefully
documented issues that needed to be addressed before the paper could be
published in a highly-ranked journal. The review reflected the high
scholarly standards of Dr. xxx, and I certainly intend to call upon him for
service again in the near future.
Excellent peer review is essential for determining the significance,
validity and quality of manuscripts that are submitted for publication.
Like most other journals, xxx relies on the use of peer review to ensure
that only good research results are
published. This is an objective process that is at the heart of scholarly
publishing. The peer review process is an essential step in maintaining the
high scientific and literacy standards of the journal. Our referees thus
play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of xxx by reviewing and
providing expert opinions for the editor.
To be selected as a reviewer, the scholar must be a recognized expert and
possess extensive research experience in a specific field relevant to the
submitted manuscript. I normally choose leading experts with an
international reputation in the field. Because of Dr. xxx’s expertise and
outstanding achievements in scientific research in xxx, he was selected as a
reviewer for <<journal tile>>.
Distinguished University Professor
Editor of <<journal title>>
※ 修改:·jachen 於 May 31 20:22:24 2013 修改本文·[FROM: 129.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 160.]
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