发信人: deliver (自动发信系统), 信区: EB23
标 题: [通知] EB23 举办博彩:2015年8月EB2C VB排期预测
发信站: BBS 未名空间站自动发信系统 (Mon Jun 22 09:25:57 2015)
⊙ 购买此博彩彩票所需条件:
1. 上站次数需大于 10 次 .
⊙ 博彩开启于:Mon Jun 22 09:25:57 2015 类别:单选
⊙ 主题:2015年8月EB2C VB排期预测
⊙ 博彩题目描述:
EB2:Keep moving? Stop? Retro?
(1) retro 即早于13年10月1日(不含)
(2) [0 - 1个月]
(3) (1个月-3个月]
(4) (3个月-6个月]
(5) > 6个月
(6) Unavailable
Monday, June 22, 2015
[通知] EB23 举办博彩:2015年8月EB2C VB排期预测
【EB2 2015年六月第63绿】NSC EB2 主副同绿
发信人: Ecocity (壹), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第63绿】NSC EB2 主副同绿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 22 01:16:32 2015, 美东)
PD: 01/2011
RD: 04/20/2015
FP: 05/26/2015 walk-in St. Louis (schedule 06/01/2015)
AD: 06/19/2015
我们是04/16/2015寄出的i-485/i-765,没申请AP, 所有的资料和表都是自己准备的,
※ 修改:·yoyo0220 於 Jun 22 01:47:58 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 72.]
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发信人: allrcloud (bingo), 信区: Basketball
标 题: 吕布郎名副其实
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 17:01:30 2015, 美东)
, 还有大多数当家核心比较,我给他这个名字是不过份的。乔丹,科比都是经历的卧
就立即想方设法找大腿, 从CLEVLAND到MIAMI是如此,看到韦德和波什老迈后立即走人
爆发的出潜质。这也是吕布家一向的特制。CLEVELAND 要给他至少两到3名全明星级别
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Sunday, June 21, 2015
发信人: bxandxiao (lalalula), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 高速上已经压着限速了大家会让后面的车吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 22:23:21 2015, 美东)
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 76.]
恨级了 Touch Screen
发信人: Cadet (新兵), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 恨级了 Touch Screen
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 07:09:30 2015, 美东)
一圈,才发现基本上都是Touch Screen了。据说新出的win 8只要是laptop都是touch
牌子曾出过的好多传统界面又小的现已停产。不是有研究表明touch screen的
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 24.]
发信人: lizacchen (Eliza), 信区: EB23
标 题: 绿后分享rfe的回复-EVL,体检,出生公证
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 20:16:19 2015, 美东)
绿了之后好些网友写信询问相关rfe 的回复,我基本都一一回信了,现在觉得干脆
我被要了4样: EVL, 工作经历statement(如果换工作的话,列出所有在US的工作
和起止时间), Medical 和出生公证(我去年没有交notary,是忽略了,所以被rfe
我换工作之后马上cancel了律师,就是发email给NSC ( [email protected]
[email protected] ),同时打印一份寄去140 approval上面的地址。 取消律
我没有加 cover letter,因为附上了他们寄来的rfe mail.但是yoyo说有人因为没有
cover letter 而被rfe 了。。。我也是对此无语
1。EVL 的模板
先啰嗦一句我的推理,因为4月份换工作,原公司withdraw H1B,刚刚是5/21
revoke批准的,5/26号supervisor review 我的relink request,所以要了evl.我之
前并没有file AC21,就直接启用了EAD. 这次也没有补AC21.
EVL 要求job title, duties, salary, min educational requirement, date
of employment,terms and conditions of EB visa petition continue to
exist. 我自己拟的。
Letter issued by authority within organization who is authorized to
confirm employment--所以是VP HR 签的。她就把我拟的permanent job 换成了
regular, 其它一个字没有变。
Employment Verification Letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
This letter is to verify that XXX<applicant> is currently employed by YYY
Company as ZZZ<job title>. Her employment began on Jan 1, 2015. Her current
annual salary is US$ 30,000.
The minimum educational requirement for this ZZZ position is Master’s
degree. The duties of the ZZZ position at YYY Company are consistent with
those described in the Application for Alien Employment Certificate filed by
A Company(previous employer) on Ms XXX's behalf and, subsequently approved
by the Department of Labor. They include the following:
Blah Blah...(注意,要尽量按照你的PERM JD来写。如果没有换工作,就照抄。如果换
Although her employment is at will, this is a regular, full-time position.
We expect to continue to utilize her skills in this position after approval
of her form I-485.
If any additional information is required, please contact me at ....
Human Resource Specialist
为PERM没有提,我也没有说。但是我专门写了这么一句:This is the list of
all employers I have had in the U.S. with full time positions. 看到FULL
体检可以参考我的置顶 "体检攻略"。
4月到9月是非flu season,注意检查最后一页的疫苗记录是 选的“not flu season”。
Applicant may be eligible for blanket waivers as indicated above. 而去年我们
的医生都是选的 Vaccine history complete for each vaccine, all requirements
城市询问,有要大使馆公证的出生证明的,有说必需要所有身份证户口原件的。 后来
委托人: lizacchen
Certification by Translator
I, __________ , certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and
Chinese languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate
translation of the document attached entitled _____________.
Typed Name:
※ 修改:·lizacchen 於 Jun 21 21:08:37 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 174.]
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发信人: cdm (cdm), 信区: EB23
标 题: 来跟大家分享一下失去身份对绿卡的影响和对策
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 15:17:46 2015, 美东)
要说清楚这件事,就要搞清楚两个非常重要的概念,Out of Status和Unlawful Stay.
Unlawful Stay的定义是,你在美国居留的日期超过了I94允许的日期。这是非常严重的
问题,移民法有mandatory 3/10 bar for unlawful stay, 就是说,你Unlawful Stay
Out of Status的定义是,你在美国从事的活动和签证的目的不符。比如H1的目的是工
作,但是你被裁了变成失业,那就立即Out of Status。Out of Status有这么几个特点:
第一:Change of Status的前提是,申请人在美国没有out of status, 比如你失业一
第二:对EB来说,在交485前积累的Out of Status不超过180天,不影响境内AOS批准。
这个是245K对EB的特殊保护。所以如果你以前有过两三个月的Out of Status, 大可不
第三:那么如果长期Out of Status怎么办?比如一年,直接交485肯定会被拒。没关系
,245K对EB提供另一个保护,就是累计Out of Status的天数要从最近一次Inspected
Lawful Admission算起。换句话说,你出境一次再回来,无论多少的Out of Status都
洗白了。但是要注意,Parole 不算Admission。如果你交了485,用AP回来,那不能洗
可见,Out of Status虽然是个比较stressful的过程,但是一般没有严重后果。但是
unlawful stay是非常严重的问题,一定要认真对待。祝大家都顺利拿到绿卡。
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【EB2 2015年六月第62绿 】NSC EB2
发信人: xldbc (ll), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第62绿 】NSC EB2 -> EB3 -> EB2 PD 2012.03
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 02:36:29 2015, 美东)
PD: 2012.03
RD: 2014.03
RFE: 2015.05.20
RFE Received: 2015.06.08
Welcome Notice: 2015.06.18
※ 修改:·yoyo0220 於 Jun 21 02:49:18 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 72.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 98.]
发信人: foxbat (狐蝠), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 叔在国内见到的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 21 01:15:25 2015, 美东)
一个是XC60和F150 raptor在上海街头,多么和谐的一幕,这两个车都和美国同样配置
另一个是subaru XV,开个日本车要这么提心吊胆,图的啥呕,真不明白怎么想的。
※ 修改:·foxbat 於 Jun 21 12:46:09 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 72.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 72.]

发信人: gordenchen (gordenchen), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 第一次车祸从山路上面翻了下去,求经验总结和ticket建议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 21:23:16 2015, 美东)
前一段在科罗拉多旅游,Google map导航到某个山路上面,unpaved road with dirt。
drove vehicle improperly on mountain highway”,不过和我说不会影响我的加州驾
首先是对于dirt road完全没有经验,对于摩檫力过于自信。其次是事前功课准备不足
然后是关于ticket。我查询了一些资料。由于两个州都是Driver License Compact的成
员,因此信息会共享。但是有一点:violations can only be "shared" if both
states have the same violation to begin with. (equivalent statute)
加州的法律虽然有关于mountain highway 的叙述 :http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=veh&group=21001-22000&file=21650-21664
但是里面似乎查不到这样一条关于mountain highway的code。我想知道各位版友是否有
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【EB2 2015年六月第61绿 】报绿 eb23 TSC 11.12
发信人: zhubao (going), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第61绿 】报绿 eb23 TSC 11.12
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 22:41:56 2015, 美东)
PD 11年12月 eb2
RD 14年4月 eb3
15年5月律师发relink request
5月中自己online SR
6月8日RFE email notice, 11日收到mail 体检
6月15日律师send response
6月16日RFE response received notice
6月19日card production notice
※ 修改:·lizacchen 於 Jun 21 00:45:53 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 66.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 70.]
Saturday, June 20, 2015
发信人: cheesecake (cake), 信区: Animals
标 题: 阿拉斯加的动物
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 22:00:19 2015, 美东)
dall's porpoise (游得太快,很坑爹,600mm基本上追不过他)
steller sea lion
sea otter
Wilson's Warbler
Dall sheep
Horned puffin (作弊了 ^_^)
red squirrel
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 71.]
发信人: wml (wml), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 【实况视频】今日路口一日车瞬间被撞成碎片,两人死亡
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 15:39:35 2015, 美东)
Full story:
新京报:【肇事车处于查封状态 保险早已过期】事发后很快就有网民搜出肇事车信息
。 根据该车辆登记记录,此车目前处于查封状态,且保险在2015年2月27日就已经过期。
中新网南京6月20日电 20日,记者从警方获悉,今天南京发生的多车相撞致2人死亡事
新京报【肇事司机目前处于昏迷状态 疑似毒瘾仍在发作】肇事宝马车司机被带到派出
央视新闻【宝马闯红灯致惨烈车祸 两死多伤车辆瞬间解体】今天14时许,在南京某十
京华时报:【宝马司机飞车闯红灯 撞死两人后逃逸】下午两点,南京石杨路与友谊河
※ 修改:·wml 於 Jun 20 15:54:04 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 70.]
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发信人: happypea (happypea), 信区: EB23
标 题: 10个包子!急帮表妹问一个非常紧急的问题,谢谢!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 07:56:20 2015, 美东)
※ 修改:·happypea 於 Jun 20 22:38:30 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 108.]
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发信人: dadalior (火枪手), 信区: Biology
标 题: 一个比JBC还悲催的期刊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 01:51:54 2015, 美东)
FASEB Journal
Year Impact Factor
2014 5.043
2013 5.480
2012 5.704
2011 5.712
2010 6.515
2009 6.401
2008 7.049
2007 6.791
2006 6.721
2005 7.064
2004 6.820
2003 7.172
2002 7.252
2001 8.817
2000 9.249
1999 11.880
1998 13.861
1997 14.629
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【EB2 2015年六月第59绿 】TSC
发信人: hemingway (simplicity), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第59绿 】TSC
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 23:43:58 2015, 美东)
pd: 5/2012
eb2转eb3, 485 一起交 2/2014
eb3转eb2 relink: 5/2015
我们律师做了service request (both phone call and mail the request). 没有找议
On June 19, 2015, we registered your permanent resident status and mailed
you a Welcome Notice for Receipt Number *****. Please follow the
instructions in the notice. Your new permanent resident card should arrive
by August 18, 2015, after this registration or after you complete any ADIT
processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later.
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发信人: hopeusw (云子), 信区: Basketball
标 题: 我来写个骑士队休赛期的操作预测
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 20 13:59:52 2015, 美东)
NBA ALL TIME前三(现在是MJ,天勾和指环),或者前六(加上魔术,大帅,或者大鸟或者邓
※ 修改:·hopeusw 於 Jun 20 14:03:49 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 128.]
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发信人: rinse (东城 西就), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 偶谈一下为啥要有dealer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 16:49:56 2015, 美东)
dealer现在也很多internet sales
※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 142.]
谷歌前高管呼吁反击iOS 9屏蔽广告功能
发信人: mitsbs (mitsbs), 信区: Apple
标 题: 谷歌前高管呼吁反击iOS 9屏蔽广告功能
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 12:26:52 2015, 美东)
有业内人士指出,苹果的 iOS 9 广告屏蔽计划将会影响到谷歌的收入,而且是直接影
响,因为谷歌大部分的收入都来自广告。如果 iOS 9 的 Safari 屏蔽广告,谷歌将会
苹果在今年 WWDC 大会上介绍 iOS 9 时,曾经表示新系统将会带来屏蔽广告的功能。
对于谷歌这样的广告商来说,iOS 9 的这一项新功能自然是“大敌”。威锋网消息,谷
歌前高管、曾任市场开发部主管的 Ben Barokas 日前在一次采访中表示,他将会为出
版商提供一定帮助,用来反击苹果的 iOS 9 屏幕广告功能。
谷歌前高管呼吁反击iOS 9屏蔽广告功能
按照苹果的介绍,iOS 9 将允许开发者开发扩展程序“以屏蔽 cookie、图片、资源、
cookie 来追踪广告。失去了手机定位和 cookie 追踪的数据,广告主在移动广告的投
有业内人士指出,苹果的 iOS 9 广告屏蔽计划将会影响到谷歌的收入,而且是直接影
响,因为谷歌大部分的收入都来自广告。如果 iOS 9 的 Safari 屏蔽广告,谷歌将会
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 23.]
Friday, June 19, 2015
发信人: liang123 (long), 信区: Family
标 题: 让女人变老的食物
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 04:07:01 2015, 美东)
常食用油在高温的催化下,会释放出含有 丁二烯成分的烟雾,而长期大量吸入这种物
癌危险性更大,因在高温下的菜籽 油比花生油释放的丁二烯成分要高出22倍。为避免
烟熏火燎损害健康和促使 面部生成皱纹。
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发信人: slbfelix (大圆脸), 信区: Automobile
标 题: BMW买车烦心事
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 00:18:27 2015, 美东)
买X3,价格和dealer网上谈好了,25K finance,down 21K,因为想用信用卡刷卡10K,
第二天给dealer发过去我们准备贷款的CU的pre-approved letter,dealer说这个CU是
third party,你们需要提车的时候把支票带过来,要你们自己联系CU拿支票,所以又
找CU问这个手续怎么办,CU说你们要有purchase agreement才能给check,又打电话找
dealer准备了purchase agreement,发过来签了字,再给CU看了,CU又给了一堆loan
折腾这半天真是火大,花了这么多钱,车也没看见,purchase agreement都签了,要是
就不能提车,我们签的那些loan paperwork都不行。。。。deposit都交了,想反悔也
以前买车都是直接把pre-approved letter给dealer,然后签字提车走人,这次BMW真是
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全校第一 波士顿3名华裔生成绩亮眼
发信人: zujm (在哪????????), 信区: Boston
标 题: 全校第一 波士顿3名华裔生成绩亮眼
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 10:06:49 2015, 美东)
于查尔斯镇高中(Charlestown High School)的李玉姿、波士顿拉丁学校(Boston Latin
Academy)的刘剑杰和昆士高中(Josiah Quincy Upper School)的李云晖。
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发信人: indigofly (看天气), 信区: Basketball
标 题: 骑士明年应该放弃TT
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 12:25:35 2015, 美东)
之前骑士给13mil一年的合同TT都没接。现在经纪人直接想要顶薪了。那David Griffin
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 67.]
发信人: yoyo0220 (yoyo), 信区: EB23
标 题: 今天和奥本闲扯几句总结-你们就参考一下吧,信不信由你
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 17:20:09 2015, 美东)
1. 奥本今年不担心EB CHINA的名额使用情况。
2. 确认说过EB2 C会继续缓慢前进,EB3 C不动。
3. 研究Inventory是浪费时间,数据太旧。敬请关注VB上的说明来预判接下来的排期。
奥本本人可以看到数据,但是仍然。。。原话是: I have access to data, and
still know that there are too many unexpected things which can happen with
USCIS processing to try and make estimates more than 3 – 4 months out.
4. 奥本开始度假到国庆节结束....
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 72.]
【EB2 2015年六月第57绿】报绿:PD 2/2012 TSC
发信人: windofoct (秋天的童话), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第57绿】报绿:PD 2/2012 TSC
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 19 15:47:43 2015, 美东)
EB2: PD 2月/2012
RFE: 06/04/2015
体检TSC receive date: 6/12/2015
Card ordered: 06/19/2015
※ 修改:·yoyo0220 於 Jun 19 15:55:02 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 66.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 73.]
【EB2 2015年六月第53绿】tsc 10/2011 报绿
发信人: sapphy (new life), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第53绿】tsc 10/2011 报绿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 18 17:31:27 2015, 美东)
pd: 2011/10
EB2 -> EB3
485 receive date: 2/2014
RFE response received 3/30/2015
RFE notice: 3/10/2015 for medical exam
NOTICE: 6/18/2015
Made two sr, no congress or senator involved.
※ 修改:·sapphy 於 Jun 19 12:08:58 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 147.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 10.]
【EB2 2015年六月第52绿】TSC EB2
发信人: kennesaw (吃馍发电), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第52绿】TSC EB2-3-2 PD 05/2012 洒家也来报
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 18 16:21:18 2015, 美东)
PD 2012/5
RD 2014/2 (EB2->EB3)
relink 5/1/2015 通过议员
RFE 5/16/2015 Med
REF Letter delivered 5/20/2015
USCIS receive RFE Response 5/22/2015
AD 6/18/2015
Transfer $10.0 to shamaneric... @ level 2.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to yoyo0220... @ level 3.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to ohiobamboo... @ level 4.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to disneyfl... @ level 5.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to netghoster... @ level 6.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to verdant6... @ level 7.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to zmmyzmmy... @ level 9.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to purewhite... @ level 10.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to umner... @ level 11.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to tino2008... @ level 12.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to nbg... @ level 13.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to Dahuang617... @ level 14.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to shuman... @ level 15.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to yuki1010... @ level 16.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to jennymama... @ level 17.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to llyzy... @ level 18.....successful
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Transfer $10.0 to maxisummeriz... @ level 20.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to smzsmz... @ level 21.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to greenscarf... @ level 22.....successful
Transfer $10.0 to porterleo... @ level 23.....successful
※ 修改:·yoyo0220 於 Jun 18 16:38:06 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 66.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 131.]
【EB2 2015年六月第50绿】TSC 11.3 终于绿了
发信人: almug (额勒金德), 信区: EB23
标 题: 【EB2 2015年六月第50绿】TSC 11.3 终于绿了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 18 15:09:58 2015, 美东)
PD: 03/2011
RD: 04/02/2015
FP: 04/27/2015
AD: 06/11/2015
PS 两三个星期前找了议员,至今没有接到他们的回音,不知道他们究竟知否帮着催了
※ 修改:·lizacchen 於 Jun 18 17:08:12 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 174.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 网址:mitbbs.com 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间·[FROM: 66.]
发信人: liujiatian (liujiatian), 信区: Biology
标 题: 2015年影响因子新出炉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 18 23:51:32 2015, 美东)
Rank full journal title Total Cites IF
1 ca-a cancer journal for clinicians 18,594 115.84
2 new england journal of medicine 268,652 55.873
4 lancet 185,361 45.217
6 nature biotechnology 45,986 41.514
7 nature 617,363 41.456
12 nature materials 64,622 36.503
13 jama-journal of the american medical association 126,479 35.289
14 nature reviews immunology 28,938 34.985
15 nature nanotechnology 34,387 34.048
16 science 557,558 33.611
17 chemical society reviews 81,907 33.383
19 nature photonics 23,499 32.386
20 cell 201,108 32.242
21 nature methods 32,342 32.072
22 nature reviews neuroscience 32,989 31.427
24 reviews of modern physics 39,402 29.604
25 nature genetics 85,481 29.352
26 progress in materials science 8,475 27.417
27 nature medicine 62,572 27.363
28 physiological reviews 24,528 27.324
29 progress in polymer science 19,454 26.932
30 nature chemistry 16,973 25.325
31 lancet oncology 24,861 24.69
32 nature reviews microbiology 18,866 23.574
33 cancer cell 27,283 23.523
35 lancet infectious diseases 13,161 22.433
37 cell stem cell 17,720 22.268
38 trends in cognitive sciences 20,396 21.965
38 trends in cognitive sciences 20,396 21.965
40 lancet neurology 19,384 21.896
43 immunity 37,232 21.561
44 endocrine reviews 13,143 21.059
46 behavioral and brain sciences 7,562 20.771
46 behavioral and brain sciences 7,562 20.771
48 energy & environmental science 36,159 20.523
49 nature physics 21,732 20.147
50 physics reports-review section of physics letters 22,152 20.033
51 nature immunology 35,403 20.004
52 nature cell biology 35,734 19.679
53 cancer discovery 4,605 19.453
55 living reviews in relativity 1,838 19.25
56 progress in energy and combustion science 6,443 19.22
59 journal of clinical oncology 133,258 18.428
62 astronomy and astrophysics review 1,209 17.737
63 living reviews in solar physics 840 17.636
64 cell metabolism 18,502 17.565
66 bmj-british medical journal 89,031 17.445
67 clinical microbiology reviews 13,982 17.406
68 archives of internal medicine 38,021 17.333
69 pharmacological reviews 11,630 17.099
70 aldrichimica acta 1,097 17.083
71 reports on progress in physics 12,463 17.062
74 psychological science in the public interest 685 16.833
75 gastroenterology 66,614 16.716
77 journal of the american college of cardiology 80,926 16.503
78 trends in ecology & evolution 28,654 16.196
80 nature neuroscience 50,204 16.095
81 journal of photochemistry and photobiology c-photochemistry reviews
2,767 16.091
82 science translational medicine 13,031 15.843
83 european heart journal supplements 977 15.8
85 materials science & engineering r-reports 5,625 15.5
87 nature reviews neurology 4,264 15.358
88 european heart journal 38,544 15.203
89 neuron 77,446 15.054
91 nano today 4,770 15
92 reviews of geophysics 7,707 14.8
94 surface science reports 4,495 14.765
95 psychological bulletin 36,794 14.756
95 psychological bulletin 36,794 14.756
97 gut 34,911 14.66
98 genome research 33,977 14.63
99 microbiology and molecular biology reviews 9,777 14.611
100 light-science & applications 1,042 14.603
101 nature climate change 5,415 14.547
101 nature climate change 5,415 14.547
103 molecular psychiatry 14,510 14.496
104 archives of general psychiatry 36,976 14.48
104 archives of general psychiatry 36,976 14.48
106 circulation 155,571 14.43
107 plos medicine 18,649 14.429
108 systematic biology 13,303 14.387
110 world psychiatry 1,914 14.225
113 nature reviews clinical oncology 4,462 14.18
114 materials today 5,339 14.107
115 molecular cell 53,786 14.018
116 european urology 21,495 13.938
118 nano letters 118,534 13.592
119 trends in neurosciences 19,082 13.555
120 nature structural & molecular biology 26,673 13.309
121 nature reviews endocrinology 3,661 13.281
122 studies in mycology 1,660 13.25
123 fems microbiology reviews 8,828 13.244
124 journal of clinical investigation 98,555 13.215
125 jama internal medicine 2,934 13.116
126 american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 51,902
126 nature chemical biology 14,121 12.996
128 trends in plant science 16,637 12.929
133 nature reviews gastroenterology & hepatology 3,345 12.61
134 jnci-journal of the national cancer institute 36,458 12.583
135 journal of experimental medicine 62,917 12.515
136 cell research 9,195 12.413
137 alzheimers & dementia 5,371 12.407
138 cell host & microbe 9,206 12.328
139 american journal of psychiatry 42,476 12.295
139 american journal of psychiatry 42,476 12.295
141 coordination chemistry reviews 29,127 12.239
143 journal of the american chemical society 489,761 12.113
144 jama psychiatry 1,886 12.008
144 jama psychiatry 1,886 12.008
146 trends in cell biology 11,481 12.007
147 trends in biotechnology 11,427 11.958
148 wiley interdisciplinary reviews-computational molecular science 2,
014 11.885
150 bulletin of the american meteorological society 14,786 11.808
152 autophagy 9,457 11.753
153 nature geoscience 12,258 11.74
154 trends in pharmacological sciences 10,743 11.539
155 journal of allergy and clinical immunology 38,706 11.476
156 nature communications 39,396 11.47
157 journal of hepatology 27,739 11.336
158 angewandte chemie-international edition 242,023 11.261
160 trends in biochemical sciences 15,782 11.227
161 astrophysical journal supplement series 23,963 11.215
163 hepatology 58,031 11.055
164 circulation research 47,773 11.019
165 american journal of human genetics 34,816 10.931
166 molecular systems biology 7,644 10.872
167 genome biology 22,663 10.81
168 genes & development 59,511 10.798
169 acta neuropathologica 13,098 10.762
170 american journal of gastroenterology 30,570 10.755
171 ecology letters 22,999 10.689
173 blood 150,854 10.452
174 kidney international supplements 691 10.435
175 embo journal 72,583 10.434
176 leukemia 20,905 10.431
177 trends in immunology 8,931 10.399
179 nano energy 2,755 10.325
180 biological psychiatry 40,812 10.255
181 molecular aspects of medicine 4,050 10.238
182 human reproduction update 6,625 10.165
183 immunological reviews 12,935 10.12
184 npg asia materials 1,145 10.118
186 natural product reports 8,047 10.107
187 lancet global health 457 10.042
187 lancet global health 457 10.042
189 progress in lipid research 4,825 10.015
191 progress in neurobiology 11,430 9.992
193 trends in genetics 11,210 9.918
194 nature reviews rheumatology 3,335 9.845
195 journal of cell biology 71,695 9.834
196 pharmacology & therapeutics 11,806 9.723
197 developmental cell 23,646 9.708
198 proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states
of america 586,144 9.674
199 nature protocols 24,589 9.673
200 biological reviews 7,868 9.67
201 lancet respiratory medicine 925 9.629
203 briefings in bioinformatics 3,679 9.617
204 journal of pineal research 6,906 9.6
205 current biology 48,575 9.571
206 perspectives on psychological science 4,439 9.546
207 cold spring harbor perspectives in medicine 2,588 9.469
208 trends in molecular medicine 7,186 9.453
209 trends in endocrinology and metabolism 6,457 9.392
210 journal of the american society of nephrology 32,059 9.343
210 plos biology 25,729 9.343
212 plant cell 46,901 9.338
213 seminars in cancer biology 5,094 9.33
214 cancer research 142,659 9.329
215 elife 3,179 9.322
217 isme journal 10,314 9.302
218 chemical science 14,941 9.211
219 brain 44,379 9.196
219 psychotherapy and psychosomatics 2,866 9.196
219 psychotherapy and psychosomatics 2,866 9.196
222 trends in microbiology 9,285 9.186
223 lancet diabetes & endocrinology 710 9.185
224 nature reviews cardiology 2,647 9.183
225 international journal of epidemiology 16,999 9.176
226 drug resistance updates 2,178 9.121
227 nucleic acids research 136,883 9.112
228 molecular biology and evolution 37,529 9.105
229 embo reports 11,419 9.055
230 physical review x 2,364 9.043
231 biotechnology advances 10,390 9.015
233 clinical infectious diseases 51,710 8.886
235 neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 16,868 8.802
236 ieee transactions on fuzzy systems 8,581 8.746
237 progress in retinal and eye research 4,326 8.733
238 clinical cancer research 72,155 8.722
239 cold spring harbor perspectives in biology 7,817 8.679
241 cerebral cortex 26,191 8.665
241 embo molecular medicine 3,363 8.665
244 physics of the dark universe 324 8.571
245 kidney international 37,913 8.563
246 biomaterials 93,432 8.557
247 nature reviews nephrology 2,345 8.542
248 sleep medicine reviews 3,919 8.513
249 international materials reviews 2,949 8.5
250 catalysis reviews-science and engineering 2,986 8.471
251 current opinion in cell biology 13,844 8.467
252 oncogene 64,071 8.459
253 schizophrenia bulletin 13,525 8.45
253 schizophrenia bulletin 13,525 8.45
255 medicinal research reviews 3,542 8.431
256 diabetes care 56,103 8.42
257 journal of autoimmunity 4,722 8.41
258 small 26,638 8.368
260 cell reports 6,886 8.358
261 chemistry of materials 86,283 8.354
263 thorax 19,426 8.29
264 neurology 76,539 8.286
265 fish and fisheries 2,526 8.258
266 gondwana research 7,772 8.235
267 cell death and differentiation 16,082 8.184
268 geochemical perspectives 60 8.143
269 diabetes 49,747 8.095
270 global change biology 25,578 8.044
271 theranostics 1,850 8.022
272 green chemistry 24,614 8.02
273 laser & photonics reviews 2,793 8.008
274 obesity reviews 7,580 7.995
275 british journal of psychiatry 22,557 7.991
275 british journal of psychiatry 22,557 7.991
277 bmc biology 3,676 7.984
278 environmental health perspectives 34,489 7.977
279 psychological review 24,097 7.972
279 psychological review 24,097 7.972
281 autoimmunity reviews 6,156 7.933
282 clinical chemistry 26,550 7.911
283 clinical pharmacology & therapeutics 15,257 7.903
284 clinical gastroenterology and hepatology 11,534 7.896
285 earth-science reviews 8,594 7.885
286 current opinion in plant biology 11,125 7.848
287 biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on cancer 3,964 7.845
288 quarterly reviews of biophysics 2,345 7.81
291 arthritis and rheumatism 46,886 7.764
292 seminars in immunopathology 2,008 7.748
293 critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 3,088 7.
294 mass spectrometry reviews 3,572 7.709
295 journal of controlled release 35,437 7.705
296 new phytologist 33,918 7.672
297 chemsuschem 10,725 7.657
298 european respiratory journal 28,687 7.636
299 cancer treatment reviews 5,719 7.588
300 progress in photovoltaics 7,188 7.584
301 current opinion in genetics & development 8,084 7.574
302 plos pathogens 30,229 7.562
303 plos genetics 33,624 7.528
304 physical review letters 387,635 7.512
305 optometry-journal of the american optometric association 440 7.
306 chest 45,169 7.483
307 current opinion in immunology 8,513 7.478
307 physics of life reviews 950 7.478
310 journal of physical chemistry letters 20,052 7.458
311 journal of materials chemistry a 18,266 7.443
312 frontiers in ecology and the environment 6,205 7.441
313 applied catalysis b-environmental 33,001 7.435
314 journal of pathology 15,629 7.429
315 archives of neurology 20,557 7.419
316 antioxidants & redox signaling 15,899 7.407
317 nanoscale 30,888 7.394
318 mucosal immunology 3,141 7.374
319 social cognitive and affective neuroscience 3,937 7.372
319 social cognitive and affective neuroscience 3,937 7.372
321 acta numerica 1,308 7.364
322 jacc-cardiovascular interventions 5,235 7.345
323 psychological methods 7,617 7.338
324 genetics in medicine 5,496 7.329
325 bulletin of the american museum of natural history 2,583 7.316
326 journal of cachexia sarcopenia and muscle 713 7.315
327 jama neurology 1,672 7.271
328 journal of the american academy of child and adolescent psychiatry
17,723 7.26
328 journal of the american academy of child and adolescent psychiatry
17,723 7.26
330 bmc medicine 5,708 7.249
331 conservation letters 1,701 7.241
332 progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 2,127 7.237
333 cancer and metastasis reviews 5,649 7.234
334 journal of investigative dermatology 25,658 7.216
335 intensive care medicine 16,128 7.214
336 current opinion in structural biology 10,897 7.201
337 jacc-cardiovascular imaging 4,390 7.188
338 critical reviews in biotechnology 1,735 7.178
339 jama pediatrics 1,184 7.148
340 current opinion in biotechnology 11,210 7.117
341 particle and fibre toxicology 2,620 7.113
342 philosophical transactions of the royal society b-biological sciences
32,026 7.055
343 neuropsychopharmacology 22,005 7.048
345 frontiers in neuroendocrinology 3,146 7.037
346 international reviews in physical chemistry 1,553 7.034
347 nano research 5,222 7.01
349 ecological monographs 9,207 6.98
350 plant cell and environment 17,291 6.96
351 clinical psychology review 10,297 6.932
352 journal of catalysis 39,917 6.921
353 radiology 48,908 6.867
354 plant physiology 73,318 6.841
355 neuroscientist 3,821 6.837
356 chemical communications 160,408 6.834
357 journal of bone and mineral research 25,097 6.832
358 current opinion in chemical biology 9,712 6.813
359 journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry 25,650 6.807
360 ieee communications surveys and tutorials 2,788 6.806
361 mbio 4,529 6.786
362 journal of molecular cell biology 1,141 6.771
363 american journal of clinical nutrition 51,613 6.77
364 metabolic engineering 3,929 6.767
366 emerging infectious diseases 24,477 6.751
368 personality and social psychology review 3,862 6.692
369 drug discovery today 10,008 6.691
370 diabetologia 26,260 6.671
371 epidemiologic reviews 3,063 6.667
372 quarterly journal of economics 17,890 6.654
373 journal of heart and lung transplantation 8,562 6.65
374 chemistry & biology 11,228 6.645
375 current opinion in neurobiology 12,732 6.628
376 progress in solid state chemistry 1,635 6.6
377 molecular & cellular proteomics 16,299 6.564
378 molecular neurodegeneration 2,058 6.563
379 methods in ecology and evolution 2,906 6.554
380 global ecology and biogeography 6,957 6.531
381 european journal of heart failure 7,181 6.526
382 stem cells 20,143 6.523
383 international journal of neural systems 1,154 6.507
384 ieee transactions on industrial electronics 27,141 6.498
385 molecular ecology 32,977 6.494
386 hypertension 34,018 6.48
387 trac-trends in analytical chemistry 9,058 6.472
390 development 54,140 6.462
391 journal of child psychology and psychiatry 15,504 6.459
391 journal of child psychology and psychiatry 15,504 6.459
393 critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences 1,052 6.
395 aging-us 2,583 6.432
396 new astronomy reviews 865 6.429
397 nanotoxicology 2,564 6.411
398 biosensors & bioelectronics 30,531 6.409
399 human molecular genetics 37,440 6.393
399 remote sensing of environment 34,609 6.393
401 organic letters 87,730 6.364
402 diabetes obesity & metabolism 6,605 6.36
403 oncotarget 3,908 6.359
404 neuroimage 78,028 6.357
405 journal of neuroscience 173,265 6.344
406 aging cell 5,793 6.34
407 molecular plant 4,214 6.337
408 journal of medical genetics 11,382 6.335
409 biochimica et biophysica acta-gene regulatory mechanisms 5,799
410 critical care medicine 33,132 6.312
412 space science reviews 7,430 6.283
413 science signaling 7,211 6.279
414 reviews of physiology biochemistry and pharmacology 779 6.273
415 oncoimmunology 2,080 6.266
416 seminars in cell & developmental biology 6,404 6.265
417 mayo clinic proceedings 9,990 6.262
418 psychological inquiry 2,700 6.25
419 current opinion in solid state & materials science 3,068 6.235
420 journal of crohns & colitis 2,946 6.234
421 health psychology review 462 6.233
422 molecular therapy 13,077 6.227
424 fungal diversity 2,441 6.221
425 ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics part b-cybernetics
7,317 6.22
426 circulation-cardiovascular interventions 2,718 6.218
427 cladistics 3,643 6.217
427 journal of power sources 83,937 6.217
429 mutation research-reviews in mutation research 2,740 6.213
430 journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism 72,536 6.209
431 trends in parasitology 5,287 6.204
432 environmental microbiology 16,493 6.201
433 carbon 46,718 6.196
433 epidemiology 10,623 6.196
433 epidemiology 10,623 6.196
436 modern pathology 11,797 6.187
437 journal of nuclear medicine 22,620 6.16
438 polymer reviews 1,388 6.156
439 nanomedicine-nanotechnology biology and medicine 5,381 6.155
440 ophthalmology 29,035 6.135
441 physics letters b 61,553 6.131
442 lab on a chip 21,499 6.115
443 journal of high energy physics 65,164 6.111
444 american psychologist 17,525 6.1
445 nutrition reviews 5,837 6.076
446 journal of management 10,823 6.071
447 current opinion in virology 1,829 6.064
448 journal of internal medicine 8,802 6.063
449 biotechnology for biofuels 3,026 6.044
450 cochrane database of systematic reviews 43,592 6.032
451 glia 11,659 6.031
452 allergy 13,418 6.028
453 acta biomaterialia 18,776 6.025
454 critical reviews in microbiology 1,838 6.02
455 wiley interdisciplinary reviews-rna 1,305 6.019
456 ieee transactions on power electronics 21,131 6.008
457 arteriosclerosis thrombosis and vascular biology 32,864 6
458 journal of infectious diseases 44,607 5.997
459 astrophysical journal 195,795 5.993
460 archives of toxicology 6,045 5.98
461 plant journal 38,130 5.972
462 human brain mapping 16,505 5.969
463 genetics 44,722 5.963
465 canadian medical association journal 12,121 5.959
466 cardiovascular research 21,783 5.94
467 psychological medicine 19,189 5.938
467 psychological medicine 19,189 5.938
469 tobacco control 5,600 5.933
469 tobacco control 5,600 5.933
471 journal of experimental psychology-general 8,281 5.929
472 renewable & sustainable energy reviews 21,901 5.901
473 american journal of kidney diseases 19,397 5.9
473 current opinion in microbiology 8,080 5.9
477 circulation-heart failure 3,540 5.891
478 brain behavior and immunity 8,218 5.889
479 anesthesiology 23,780 5.879
481 journal of psychiatry & neuroscience 2,491 5.861
481 journal of psychiatry & neuroscience 2,491 5.861
483 ieee signal processing magazine 5,989 5.852
484 current opinion in colloid & interface science 5,702 5.84
485 haematologica 12,975 5.814
486 journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics 17,560 5.81
487 cellular and molecular life sciences 19,985 5.808
488 macromolecules 101,504 5.8
490 open biology 833 5.784
491 ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29,
822 5.781
492 clinical microbiology and infection 11,650 5.768
494 plant biotechnology journal 4,031 5.752
495 biomacromolecules 31,769 5.75
495 current issues in molecular biology 555 5.75
497 free radical biology and medicine 33,783 5.736
498 archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 9,704 5.731
498 chemistry-a european journal 77,915 5.731
500 alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 16,005 5.727
501 medicine 4,912 5.723
501 stroke 58,619 5.723
503 eurosurveillance 6,152 5.722
504 journal of thrombosis and haemostasis 14,764 5.72
505 stem cells translational medicine 1,253 5.709
506 progress in surface science 1,876 5.696
507 nanophotonics 301 5.686
508 american journal of transplantation 18,092 5.683
508 molecular cancer therapeutics 16,563 5.683
510 movement disorders 18,803 5.68
511 current directions in psychological science 6,921 5.678
512 mrs bulletin 6,108 5.667
513 precambrian research 12,318 5.664
515 circulation-cardiovascular quality and outcomes 2,725 5.656
515 current opinion in lipidology 3,864 5.656
517 analytical chemistry 105,680 5.636
518 cancer letters 22,516 5.621
519 translational psychiatry 1,919 5.62
520 brain structure & function 2,478 5.618
520 structure 13,533 5.618
522 applied energy 23,996 5.613
523 acta psychiatrica scandinavica 11,769 5.605
523 acta psychiatrica scandinavica 11,769 5.605
525 clinical science 8,820 5.598
526 heart 14,939 5.595
527 scientific reports 22,336 5.578
528 reviews in medical virology 1,845 5.574
529 international journal of plasticity 7,364 5.567
530 blood reviews 1,974 5.565
531 neuro-oncology 5,623 5.562
532 environment international 12,067 5.559
533 aids 22,502 5.554
534 british journal of surgery 20,540 5.542
535 expert opinion on investigational drugs 4,461 5.528
535 family business review 1,610 5.528
535 water research 53,631 5.528
538 journal of experimental botany 32,646 5.526
539 journal of ecology 15,745 5.521
540 polymer chemistry 10,407 5.52
541 cryosphere 2,467 5.516
542 journal of chemical theory and computation 17,918 5.498
542 journal of clinical psychiatry 18,227 5.498
542 journal of clinical psychiatry 18,227 5.498
545 chemical record 1,599 5.492
546 breast cancer research 8,885 5.49
547 dna research 2,456 5.477
548 pediatrics 65,154 5.473
549 altex-alternatives to animal experimentation 815 5.467
550 clinical reviews in allergy & immunology 1,925 5.463
551 journal of medicinal chemistry 63,060 5.447
552 critical reviews in plant sciences 2,659 5.442
554 journal of cell science 42,808 5.432
555 catalysis science & technology 5,419 5.426
556 journal of finance 23,535 5.424
557 european journal of cancer 23,587 5.417
557 ieee wireless communications 3,015 5.417
559 journals of gerontology series a-biological sciences and medical
sciences 13,534 5.416
559 journals of gerontology series a-biological sciences and medical
sciences 13,534 5.416
561 basic research in cardiology 3,516 5.414
562 molecular autism 577 5.413
562 nanomedicine 4,318 5.413
564 journal of neuroinflammation 5,318 5.408
565 journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism 15,903 5.407
566 european journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 11,724
567 bioscience 13,169 5.377
568 gastrointestinal endoscopy 19,228 5.369
569 stem cell reports 461 5.365
570 addiction biology 2,830 5.359
571 cytokine & growth factor reviews 4,708 5.357
572 drug metabolism reviews 2,339 5.356
573 journal of economic literature 5,861 5.354
574 biochimica et biophysica acta-bioenergetics 10,387 5.353
575 astrophysical journal letters 44,743 5.339
575 european journal of epidemiology 5,316 5.339
577 genome medicine 1,660 5.338
577 journal of biomedical nanotechnology 3,556 5.338
579 solar energy materials and solar cells 25,351 5.337
580 carcinogenesis 22,394 5.334
581 epigenetics & chromatin 603 5.333
582 molecular oncology 2,075 5.331
584 environmental science & technology 116,924 5.33
587 circulation-cardiovascular imaging 2,786 5.316
588 journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 23,616 5.313
589 mis quarterly 9,600 5.311
589 mis quarterly 9,600 5.311
591 current opinion in neurology 4,789 5.307
592 persoonia 824 5.3
593 american journal of bioethics 1,363 5.288
593 american journal of bioethics 1,363 5.288
595 journal of thoracic oncology 8,883 5.282
596 journal of bone and joint surgery-american volume 37,434 5.28
597 journal of consulting and clinical psychology 21,076 5.279
598 proceedings of the nutrition society 4,458 5.273
599 american journal of epidemiology 35,307 5.23
600 pain 31,705 5.213
601 wildlife monographs 664 5.2
602 journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2,634 5
603 critical reviews in food science and nutrition 5,935 5.176
604 obstetrics and gynecology 26,836 5.175
605 seminars in immunology 3,502 5.17
607 biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular and cell biology of lipids
7,312 5.162
608 journal of abnormal psychology 14,289 5.153
609 expert reviews in molecular medicine 1,736 5.152
610 american journal of surgical pathology 18,910 5.145
611 human mutation 11,719 5.144
612 expert opinion on therapeutic targets 3,585 5.139
613 molecular neurobiology 4,012 5.137
614 cortex 6,768 5.128
615 journal of the american college of surgeons 13,352 5.122
616 cns drugs 3,704 5.113
617 journal of molecular medicine-jmm 6,338 5.107
617 monthly notices of the royal astronomical society 109,141 5.107
619 neuropharmacology 16,524 5.106
620 critical reviews in toxicology 3,496 5.097
621 journal of the international aids society 1,448 5.09
622 bulletin of the world health organization 12,342 5.089
622 global environmental change-human and policy dimensions 7,533 5
622 global environmental change-human and policy dimensions 7,533 5
625 international journal of cancer 47,838 5.085
626 european physical journal c 12,961 5.084
627 neurobiology of disease 12,714 5.078
628 heart rhythm 8,290 5.076
629 matrix biology 3,721 5.074
630 cognitive psychology 6,582 5.064
630 cognitive psychology 6,582 5.064
632 journal of membrane science 45,130 5.056
633 neurotherapeutics 2,584 5.054
634 atmospheric chemistry and physics 30,341 5.053
634 clinical pharmacokinetics 6,677 5.053
634 endoscopy 8,546 5.053
637 proceedings of the royal society b-biological sciences 41,341 5
638 faseb journal 41,076 5.043
639 sports medicine 8,810 5.038
640 journal of physiology-london 48,946 5.037
641 journal of personality and social psychology 55,364 5.031
642 translational research 2,112 5.03
643 health technology assessment 4,595 5.027
644 british journal of sports medicine 11,360 5.025
645 biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular cell research 11,055 5.
646 algal research-biomass biofuels and bioproducts 404 5.014
646 cell death & disease 5,309 5.014
648 neurobiology of aging 17,534 5.013
649 progress in human geography 3,548 5.01
650 biochemical pharmacology 26,581 5.009
651 current opinion in infectious diseases 3,361 5.006
652 international journal of obesity 19,644 5.004
653 american journal of medicine 22,662 5.003
654 thrombosis and haemostasis 16,286 4.984
655 bioinformatics 64,998 4.981
656 harvard law review 5,373 4.979
658 journal of economic perspectives 7,109 4.977
659 rna biology 3,281 4.974
660 disease models & mechanisms 2,584 4.973
661 journal of toxicology and environmental health-part b-critical
reviews 1,358 4.97
662 health affairs 11,482 4.966
662 health affairs 11,482 4.966
664 bipolar disorders 4,886 4.965
665 seminars in liver disease 3,747 4.949
666 psychoneuroendocrinology 11,843 4.944
667 macromolecular rapid communications 13,256 4.941
668 ageing research reviews 2,755 4.94
668 psychological science 23,416 4.94
670 journal of the american medical directors association 3,553 4.
671 rna-a publication of the rna society 12,544 4.936
672 proceedings of the ieee 21,017 4.934
673 plant and cell physiology 13,518 4.931
674 archives of surgery 13,280 4.926
675 computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering 1,834 4.925
676 ultraschall in der medizin 1,476 4.924
677 journal of advances in modeling earth systems 700 4.922
677 journal of immunology 124,744 4.922
679 cellular microbiology 8,170 4.915
680 indoor air 2,937 4.904
681 molecular brain 1,144 4.902
682 reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders 1,433 4.892
683 cephalalgia 7,097 4.891
683 crystal growth & design 27,230 4.891
685 cancer 63,055 4.889
685 quarterly review of biology 3,445 4.889
687 current opinion in rheumatology 3,906 4.886
687 european cells & materials 2,581 4.886
689 geology 29,882 4.884
690 biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular basis of disease 7,728
690 global change biology bioenergy 1,386 4.882
692 angiogenesis 2,224 4.876
693 oncologist 8,617 4.865
694 physics today 3,890 4.859
695 physiology 2,691 4.857
696 british journal of anaesthesia 14,259 4.853
697 journal of molecular diagnostics 2,948 4.851
698 liver international 6,383 4.85
699 electrochemistry communications 23,276 4.847
700 energy 24,923 4.844
701 british journal of pharmacology 30,266 4.842
702 expert opinion on drug delivery 3,846 4.84
702 nature reviews urology 1,405 4.84
704 biology of sex differences 321 4.837
705 british journal of cancer 41,425 4.836
706 functional ecology 11,132 4.828
707 human genetics 8,873 4.824
708 multiple sclerosis journal 7,810 4.822
709 journal of hematology & oncology 1,475 4.812
710 molecular carcinogenesis 4,318 4.808
711 endocrine-related cancer 5,382 4.805
712 journal of applied psychology 25,194 4.799
713 archives of dermatology 11,680 4.789
714 journal of general physiology 8,095 4.788
715 epigenetics 3,802 4.78
716 molecular and cellular biology 64,143 4.777
717 ecography 7,852 4.774
718 journal of physical chemistry c 113,624 4.772
719 clinical and experimental allergy 10,303 4.769
720 inorganic chemistry 93,528 4.762
721 reviews in mineralogy & geochemistry 3,954 4.76
722 comprehensive physiology 936 4.739
723 addiction 16,193 4.738
723 addiction 16,193 4.738
725 earth and planetary science letters 48,487 4.734
726 bioessays 9,096 4.73
727 journal of materials chemistry b 4,180 4.726
728 molecular plant pathology 3,631 4.724
729 journal of organic chemistry 101,519 4.721
730 journal of hypertension 15,386 4.72
731 arthritis care & research 11,337 4.713
732 british journal of haematology 20,845 4.711
734 american journal of obstetrics and gynecology 33,839 4.704
735 integrated computer-aided engineering 516 4.698
736 experimental neurology 18,541 4.696
736 journal of materials chemistry c 5,889 4.696
738 current opinion in hiv and aids 1,668 4.68
738 current topics in developmental biology 2,462 4.68
741 climate dynamics 11,997 4.673
742 biology direct 1,445 4.658
743 ecology 54,009 4.656
744 journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 12,475 4.655
744 political analysis 1,934 4.655
746 trends in food science & technology 7,401 4.651
747 epigenomics 1,076 4.649
748 physical review d 143,353 4.643
750 hormones and behavior 9,250 4.632
751 journal of breath research 1,154 4.631
752 plos computational biology 16,444 4.62
753 pigment cell & melanoma research 3,873 4.619
754 clinical journal of the american society of nephrology 10,854 4
755 evolution 32,858 4.612
756 faraday discussions 6,924 4.606
757 forensic science international-genetics 2,388 4.604
758 molecular nutrition & food research 7,387 4.603
759 best practice & research clinical endocrinology & metabolism 2,984
759 chromosoma 3,334 4.602
761 circulation-cardiovascular genetics 2,153 4.6
762 brain imaging and behavior 806 4.598
763 current opinion in pharmacology 5,490 4.595
764 biofactors 2,788 4.592
764 neuropsychology review 2,028 4.592
764 neuropsychology review 2,028 4.592
767 american journal of pathology 39,901 4.591
767 sleep 16,335 4.591
769 fertility and sterility 31,236 4.59
769 journal of biogeography 12,352 4.59
771 chemistry-an asian journal 9,401 4.587
772 journal of biological chemistry 396,051 4.573
772 pediatric obesity 628 4.573
774 journal of the american geriatrics society 24,352 4.572
774 journal of the american geriatrics society 24,352 4.572
774 quaternary science reviews 16,740 4.572
777 epilepsia 22,358 4.571
777 nuclear data sheets 1,581 4.571
780 human reproduction 28,113 4.569
781 cell cycle 16,961 4.565
782 journal of applied ecology 13,831 4.564
783 clinical research in cardiology 2,206 4.56
784 mabs 1,689 4.558
785 chemcatchem 6,593 4.556
785 jaids-journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes 14,351 4.
785 journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance 2,663 4.556
788 journal of peasant studies 1,356 4.553
789 american journal of public health 29,771 4.552
789 american journal of public health 29,771 4.552
791 journal of cheminformatics 852 4.547
792 clinical epigenetics 431 4.543
793 journal of hazardous materials 61,547 4.529
794 american journal of preventive medicine 15,857 4.527
795 international review of sport and exercise psychology 227 4.526
795 journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia 2,267 4.526
797 journal of information technology 1,386 4.525
797 journal of information technology 1,386 4.525
799 journal of gastroenterology 6,336 4.523
800 analytica chimica acta 42,070 4.513
800 bioconjugate chemistry 14,391 4.513
800 circulation-arrhythmia and electrophysiology 3,666 4.513
803 molecular therapy-nucleic acids 600 4.512
804 international journal of biological sciences 2,611 4.509
805 molecular medicine 4,481 4.508
806 cell adhesion & migration 1,391 4.505
807 electrochimica acta 67,465 4.504
807 journal of animal ecology 13,619 4.504
809 endocrinology 45,093 4.503
810 bioresource technology 65,083 4.494
810 wiley interdisciplinary reviews-nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology
1,268 4.494
812 physical chemistry chemical physics 60,356 4.493
812 thyroid 8,834 4.493
814 personnel psychology 5,432 4.49
815 lithos 13,072 4.482
816 antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 50,371 4.476
816 clinical nutrition 6,603 4.476
816 critical care 13,898 4.476
819 rheumatology 15,066 4.475
820 statistical methods in medical research 2,454 4.472
821 journal of urology 46,523 4.471
822 current opinion in oncology 2,991 4.466
822 molecular biology of the cell 31,240 4.466
824 acta materialia 44,197 4.465
825 inflammatory bowel diseases 11,218 4.464
825 topics in current chemistry 5,774 4.464
827 american heart journal 20,060 4.463
827 elements 1,866 4.463
829 langmuir 118,847 4.457
830 international security 1,759 4.455
831 journal of the american academy of dermatology 20,034 4.449
832 tissue engineering 19,620 4.448
833 journal of biophotonics 1,702 4.447
834 plos neglected tropical diseases 11,704 4.446
835 cancer prevention research 4,154 4.444
836 journal of infection 5,226 4.441
837 journal of virology 95,267 4.439
838 investigative radiology 5,463 4.437
839 journal of climate 35,968 4.435
840 journal of experimental & clinical cancer research 3,370 4.429
841 jama dermatology 701 4.426
842 journal of petrology 11,969 4.424
843 corrosion science 24,492 4.422
844 journal of lipid research 21,622 4.421
845 environmental modelling & software 7,249 4.42
846 molecular microbiology 36,696 4.419
847 pharmacological research 6,600 4.408
848 depression and anxiety 6,059 4.407
848 depression and anxiety 6,059 4.407
850 molecular and cellular endocrinology 12,922 4.405
851 archives of ophthalmology 17,678 4.399
851 brain stimulation 1,920 4.399
853 biochemical journal 49,955 4.396
854 american sociological review 13,181 4.39
855 molecular pharmaceutics 9,898 4.384
856 international journal of nanomedicine 7,954 4.383
858 acta physiologica 3,347 4.382
859 biochimica et biophysica acta-general subjects 10,154 4.381
860 energy conversion and management 20,440 4.38
860 molecular cancer research 6,733 4.38
862 astronomy & astrophysics 101,265 4.378
863 omega-international journal of management science 4,546 4.376
863 omega-international journal of management science 4,546 4.376
865 environmental research 7,914 4.373
865 neuroendocrinology 4,204 4.373
867 european neuropsychopharmacology 5,171 4.369
868 radiotherapy and oncology 12,939 4.363
869 american journal of sports medicine 20,779 4.362
871 journal of innate immunity 1,360 4.352
872 traffic 6,541 4.35
873 european journal of human genetics 8,090 4.349
874 drugs 8,912 4.343
875 journal of molecular biology 66,318 4.333
876 geochimica et cosmochimica acta 52,474 4.331
877 autism research 1,209 4.33
877 autism research 1,209 4.33
879 experimental diabetes research 1,258 4.325
880 chemical engineering journal 34,076 4.321
880 ultrasonics sonochemistry 7,550 4.321
882 cellular signalling 9,610 4.315
883 journal of the american heart association 1,707 4.306
884 expert opinion on therapeutic patents 2,275 4.297
885 international journal of antimicrobial agents 8,473 4.296
886 recent patents on anti-cancer drug discovery 547 4.295
887 ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems 11,936
888 biofabrication 839 4.289
888 current opinion in gastroenterology 2,313 4.289
888 frontiers in cellular neuroscience 1,941 4.289
888 journal of leukocyte biology 16,298 4.289
892 journal of neurochemistry 36,434 4.281
893 british journal of dermatology 20,484 4.275
893 future microbiology 2,408 4.275
895 applied spectroscopy reviews 1,131 4.271
896 critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems 1,050 4.
896 exercise and sport sciences reviews 2,532 4.259
898 international journal of radiation oncology biology physics 39,876
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